Chapter 22

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I couldn't really sleep after that. Everything was happening so fast and falling into place. Not but a few days ago Cal wanted to hang me over the Eiffel Tower like an ornament. Was he playing with my emotions? No, no, no. I couldn't doubt myself. That was what the devil wanted. I trusted my instincts because most of the time they were right. I prayed they were right this time.

I rolled over and decided it was no use. I wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon. My life had spiraled from a crazy mess to some really screwed up crap. I wasn't sure how I was going to get out of it either. This now involved my family. I wasn't the only one with a death warrant on my back. 

I ended up taking a long bath with different fragrant oils like chamomile and lavender. Not only did it open my pores but it cleared my thoughts. I knew I would never have an ordinary life but now I lived in a soap opera. Everything was upside down with the topping of my turmoil being Cal's sudden change of heart. 

He couldn't be using me anymore. He had the opportunity to kill me and he didn't let it happen. Cal had his victory moment watching me die but he decided against it. God knew this would happen. He sees far more than we could imagine. I had to believe with my whole heart that he sent Cal into my life for an extraordinary reason. Beside he wouldn't just give me these strong, undeniable feelings for Cal. There was more to our story I just couldn't see it. 

Getting out of the water was torture. I wanted to stay in that tub all day but I knew that was impossible. I couldn't hide forever. Trust me I tried. Somehow trouble always found me. 

When I walked back into my room half naked let's just say I was frightfully surprised to see my cousin Vega casually clicking through channels on my tv. Her eyes darted towards me and I was welcomed with her beautiful yet sarcastic charm. 

"I was just about to send in the lifeguard." She smirked. 

I loved having her around. She was fun and spontaneous but always getting me into bigger trouble than I was already getting myself into. We also grew up together so we felt like sisters. She had moved away for college and only visited occasionally. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked heading for my closet. 

She propped around to face the ceiling while she explained. "I finished my classes a bit early and I really wanted to see the bundle of joy and new addition to our family."

That’s right. She hadn’t seen my nephew yet. "How long do you plan to stay?" 

"All summer possibly. Unless you have a problem with that?" Her serious stare was daring me to object. 

"Nope, none."

Having her here would feel like a comic relief and I needed a little of that in my life. She also was blessed to see the physical form of evil. Occasionally she would kick some demon butt but she didn't go hunting. She didn't like looking for them. Honestly I didn't blame her. She lived on her own and it was extremely dangerous going into battle without backup.

She was twirling her honey brown hair through her fingers. "Good. I also took the liberty to plan out our day." 

"Vega I'm not sure-" I was expecting her to cut me off. 

"You're not getting out of it. It's already settled. We're hanging out." 

I frowned, pulling down my plaid shirt. "I got work."

"No you don't. I called Hannah and she got someone to cover your shift." 

I should be mad but this was Vega we were talking about. She did stuff like this all the time. She was bossy by nature. Then thinking about work made me feel worse. Maybe I did need a mental health day. 

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