Chapter 10

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Gabe and Paige were back from their blissful honeymoon and it was time for her church blessing. All church will come together and pray for Paige. It was up to God if she could be one of us and see what we do. If she had the will to survive and fight than it was all under his control.

She was calm and collective as we seated ourselves in the front of the altar. The pastor always said a passage from the bible before we begin. Today's message was about David and Galiath. David was a average man who was a follower of God; he was representative of us. We the followers go up against the mighty enemy, Galiath. With God's help we can conquer.

"Psst Laken," I heard my mother whisper while nudging my shoulder.

Maybe if I pretend to really concentrate on the sermon she leave me alone.

"Laken!" She whisper yelled.

I sighed. Of course not. "What?"

"Where's Cal? Why didn't you bring him with you today? He seems like such a sweetheart."

I half rolled my eyes. "He'd sweetly eat my heart out." She gave me a strange look and I changed my answer. "He's working."

"Well invite him over later for dinner."

Let's not and say we did. There was no way I was inviting that creep over besides I didn't even have his number. Did he even own a phone?

"Sure." I lied.

"Caleb is coming tomorrow."

I had totally forgotten. Caleb was my 7 year old cousin. His parents died in a tragic accident. We weren't sure what caused it but we believed it had to do with some evil spirits. Caleb now stayed with my grandparents because we thought it was too dangerous raising a kid around the practice we do. Caleb was like a little brother to me. We all try to visit him as much as possible but it gets hard with our crazy schedules.

"I'll have to take him out for ice cream or something."

"He'd like that. Service should be over soon. All there's left to do is to pray over Paige with the whole congregation."

When it was all over I had the itching tendency to talk to Rob. We hadn't said a word since that day at the coffee shop.

"Hey," I nudged him. "I'm sorry about the other day."

"It's fine."

He wouldn't even look at me. "Rob-"

"I don't want to talk about it." Then he walked off.

Well that went lovely. But he was right thou. He wasn't like us. It was always a harder struggle for him to adjust to.

"What's his problem? He's been snappy lately." Pierce came up behind me.

I sighed. "School's tough on him and he feels us too."

"Hmmmm. We never meant to pressure him. That sucks."

I nodded. "I tried tell him we have his back either way but he is way too stubborn. Kind of runs in the family."

Pierce laughed. "Unfortunately it does."

"We're having dinner at home." Mom announced to the family.

"I'll be a little late. I want to patrol the city a bit."

"Want me to come?" Pierce volunteered.

He liked slashing into through demons just as much as I did. Honestly I just wanted to get some air and think.

"Nah. I'm taking my motorcycle anyway. But if I don't come back in an hour you have permission to find me."

He smirked. "Deal."

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