Returning Memories ★Sebastian Michaelis Love Story★

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Sebastian POV

I don't know exactly what this feeling is. It reminds me of something I once felt, a long time ago. It feels... odd. Like someone has let a thousand butterflies loose in my stomach. I... I think I'm feeling this way because of Kusaichi. I shake my head. No. I'm a demon. Demon's aren't meant to feel love, or anything for that matter. This is just a mistake. I'm probably just hungry. I haven't eaten for a very long time... 

"We could just hang around here," Kusaichi says, putting suggestions forward. Grell's ears perked up at the thought of being with me all day. I silently sigh, shaking my head slowly and in little movements so nobody would notice. "Yes, yes, yes!" He shouts, jumping all around the place. Kusaichi simple smiles and places a gentle hand on Grell's shoulder. "Calm down, Grell," She says, grinning. He looks scared, all of a sudden. "How do you know my name?!" He shouts, hiding away behind me. I slip to my left and smirk at him. "Because Sebby-chan said it, remember?" She says, shrugging. Grell stands up straight and tries to look normal. "Oh, yeah. I remember that... ha ha ha..." He stutters, looking in all directions. "Now, are you going to take us inside or are we going to stand out here while the rain begins to pour?" She says, looking up at the clear sky. "It isn't going to rai-" Grell is cut off as several thousand droplets of water thud down to earth out of nowhere. My, my. She is odd. She can tell the weather before it is even existant... I think to myself. She has changed... alot...

Before I know it, Kusaichi is dragging me through Grell's door. I don't even attempt to fight back, instead I just allow her to have her way and enter his house. "Will-Will! We have visitors!" Grell shouts, giggling like a girl. "Who are they?!" A stubborn voice shouts from the next room. "They smell disgusting!" He shouts. "Don't be mean to my Sebby-chan and his female friend!" Grell shouts. Kusaichi smirks and I just stand there, behind her. An angry looking shinigami walks from a doorway to my left and walks up to me. "You again..." He says, almost spitting in my face. "Such a putrid being... Demons are so dusgusting..." William T Spears says, turning around and seemingly attempting to kick dirt in my face as he walks away. I look over to Kusaichi who has a very annoyed look upon her face. A very annoyed look. 

Grell grabs at Will's shirt's cuff. He latches on to the black suit and pulls Will back to him. "Will-Will, don't be mean to Sebby-chan. He's a special demon!" Grell says defensively. I suppose that's the only thing he's good for. Standing up for me.

While I stand their, watching Will and Grell intently, I notice Kusaichi slip in to the intense silence-fight. "What do you have against demons, may I ask?" She says, so calmly. How is it she is so calm? Has she remembered that I am a demon, or is she merely holding in her fear of my beings?... I think so myself. "I have everything against them. They are indeed more powerful than any Shinigami I know. They are self-centered putrid beings that feed on souls of the innocent. Wrong. Just wrong," Will says in a confidently stubborn tone. It is as if he is sincere of his words. "Sebastian isn't like that!" Kusaichi shouts, pushing Will. Grell puts a hand over his mouth and pouts, pulling at Kusaichi to stop. "Are you quite sure about that?" Will says, pulling his death scythe out. My head hurts, suddenly. I just stand there, probably looking stupid. I desperately want to stop whatever is about to happen, but I am incapable of doing so, like some unbearable force is pressing against me. I force myself to move, forcing pain all over my body. "K..Kusaichi!" I shout just as Will strikes, a smirk upon his face. I don't make it. It's over... I think.

When I open my eyes, I see an amazing sight. Grell, of all people, is standing there in front of Kusaichi, a death-scythe through his chest. Kusaichi looks frightened, her eyes wide with fear. They suddenly change colour from their normal dull black to a neon- bright blue, just as I remember them. "Grell..." She whispers, shaking her head. "Step away from Grell!" She shouts, a sword appearing in her hand. It is magnificent, with its twisting blade formed out of several thinner blades all twisted and entwined. "The wolf blade..." I manage to whisper, my voice croaky and harsh, still unable to move. Without any warning whatsoever, she swings the heavy blade as though it is a feather. I want to close my eyes, but the force hits me again. I can't. Even though I am a demon, I hate to see this happening. I wish it isn't. Kusaichi used to be such a precious girl with a fear of killing, or harming for that matter. This had obviously changed. She isn't the same girl I used to know and... have odd feelings for. She's changed. She's even more interesting.

The blade hit Will's stomach, sliding deep in to his flesh. Blood splattered everywhere and Will fell to the floor, his stomach gashed open. "Will... Will-Will..." Grell whispered, also falling to the floor, his chest pierced and him also bleeding. That's it. I've had enough of this. I push against the force, able to break through it. I grab Kusaichi and pull her to my chest, hugging her. "Stop this, Kusaichi..." I whisper, closing my eyes as my feet where drowned in blood from both injured people. "Please heal them..." I whisper, more sternly this time. She looks up at me and her eyes turn back to the same, dull black that I had grown fond of over the past day or so. I can see tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "Sebastian..." She whispers, obviously having remembered me and Grell. Even though I gave Grell a drug to make him forget her, she seems to have remembered him. She kneels beside him and places her head in to his blood, pouring straight out of his chest-wound. As she pulls her head away, which by the way is now soaked in blood, the wound is gone. Completely healed. Grell's eyes open and he hugs her. "Kusaichi..." He whispers. I can feel my hands turning in to fists. I shake my head. This isn't like me. I have to be like I always am. Calm and in the shadows. A nothing hiding behind My Lord. I take several deep breaths, allowing my fists to undo themselves. Next, Kusaichi walks over to Will and does the same thing to him. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me..." She whispers to him. I walk up to her and kneel down. "Now, I think we should be heading back home. It's getting late," I say to her. She nods and gets up. "Can I stay?!" Grell shouts, latching on to Kusaichi's arm. I chuckle, keeping my calm again. "If My Lord allows it," I say. "You will have to come with us to find out, then, Grell," I finish with a smirk. Grell's eyes lit up and he began to bounce around, like usual. He'd almost immediately gotten back in to his normal self. I sigh with relief. Nobody seems to notice. Now, to head home...

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