A Familiar Butler ★Sebastian Michaelis Love Story★

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I lie in the darkness, looking up at my roof, wishing it was gone. I desperately wanted to see the stars and wish upon a falling one. To wish for everything to go back to the way it was. Whatever it was like... I don't exactly remember. All I know is that there's a fifty percent chance it was better than it is now. I sigh and roll over to face the closed curtains. I close my eyes for a moment, then open them again. An idea fills my pained mind. Without another thought, I slip form my spot under the silky red velvet covers and out on to the wooden floor boards. I step slowly towards the windows, attempting to be silent. My attempts are shattered by someone knocking on the door. "I heard a floor board creak and thought maybe you had woken up. Sorry if I am intruding on anything, my dear Kusaichi," Sebastian says. I sigh and turn around. "You haven't intruded on anything. Nothing important, anyway... You may come in, if you like..." I reply, sitting down on the bed.

As Sebastian opens the door silently, I can feel the tears flooding back. They pool the corners of my eyes, staining my cheeks with a sullen stickiness. Sebastian comes and sits down beside me, his silence chilling and somewhat unnatural. He seems like such a kind person... but not at all human. "Sebastian... You seem so familiar..." I whisper, leaning on his shoulder. My tears dribble on to his coat. "Sorry..." I whisper, realising I was probably staining it. "It's quite alright. Anything for a guest," Sebastian says, no emotion in his voice. Another thing inhuman about him. His smiles were soothing and natural, true, but they were fake. Their fakeness hid in the dark, depths of Sebastian's heart. I can feel their fakeness, however. Their terrible fakeness...

"Are you alright? Just dozing off again?" Sebastian asks, waking me from my day dreaming. "Err, yeah. Sorry. I do that a lot," I reply, smiling slightly. "Don't worry. I don't mind..." Sebastian says. He suddenly stands up, taking my hand and pulling me to my feet. "Come now, we must organise breakfast!" He says, smiling again. This time, however, their is emotion hiding behind the grin. This emotion is faint, but is definately happiness...

Sebastian leads me slowly down the hallway, whispering to me quietly how to get around the house without making the floorboards creak. "It's quite easy, really..." He says. "Every second floorboard will creak at night... I have no idea why, but they just do... Now, follow my steps. You'll get the hang of it," He says, still holding my hand loosely in his. If I want to, I can let go, but I don't want to. The softness of his grip is so familiar. "You're such a familiar butler..." I whisper, not realising I'm speaking aloud. "Oh really? I am?" He says, stopping to turn around. I look in to his bright red eyes. They flicker a little bit, becoming brighter for a second. Only a second though. Then they turned to their normal colour again. "Yes, you are... I suppose... I don't know why, though. Do I know you, by any chance?" I whisper, tilting my head to show slight confusion. "You might do. That is something for you to remember, though, not me," Sebastian says with a smirk. "Now, let's get going. Breakfast won't make itself," He finishes. "Alright then..." I whisper, dazing off again as I follow him quietly, my hand still in his.

"What shall we have for breakfast, hmm, Kusaichi?" Sebastian asks as we enter the kitchen. The smell of blueberries and wine hangs low in the air, almost completely drowned out by the musty scent of cold tea. "My, my. Young Master didn't finish his cup of tea. How odd," Sebastian says, picking the teapot up and washing it. "Back to what I was saying. Do you suggest anything, Kusaichi?" Sebastian asks again. I look in to his eyes again. "Such beautiful eyes..." I whisper, just loud enough for him to hear. "Oh, they are?" He says with a chuckle. I blush slightly, but I am quite sure he can't see me blush in the shrouding darkness. "Err... I suppose..." I whisper, stuttering a little bit. "Alright then, but you don't need to blush. It was just a question..." Sebastian says. I silently curse myself under my breath. "Don't curse yourself either," He says, more sternly this time. I whimper and he hugs me. "Sorry. I hate people who curse under their breath. It puts themselves down, which puts me down," He says. I nod and stand up. "Any recommendations to the making of breakfast?" He asks for a third time. "Hmm.... Pancakes," I say, not very serious. "Alright then. Pancakes it is," Sebastian says without hesitation. "You're actually going to make pancakes?" I ask, a little thrown aback. I didn't expect him to actually make them! It was an un-serious suggestion! "Of course. If that is what you would like, then anything and everything will be made to your liking. You are the guest, after all," Sebastian says with a glint in his eye. He grins and turns around, starting to make the batter.

"Could you please go wake up my Master? Breakfast is ready now," Sebastian says. "You may wake him any way you like. Even loudly, if you wish," Sebastain smirks. I smirk back and we exchange mischevious glances. "In fact, I might indeed join you," He says. "Alright then... Let's go make some mischief... I mean, wake up your Master..."

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