A Mad Man ★Sebastian Michaelis Love Story★

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Kusaichi POV 

My skin heats up as the sun begins to rise, its rays lightly tickling my skin. I don't notice, but tears are trickling gently down my face as a tsunami of feelings washes over me, their source being the dream. "Y-Yours..." I whispers in my sleep, hugging my pale body. A crooked, emotional smile crosses my face as I repeat the word, this time more confidently. "Yours..."

"Kusaichi?" A familiar, calmly soothing voice says out of nowhere. My eyelids burst open and I sit up, not expecting to hit my head on somebody's hand. "Sebastian?" I groan, rubbing my head. He gasps and grabs my arm, pulling it away. "Are you alright? I'm sorry!" He blurts out. "Uh... I'm fine... Thanks..." I mutter, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow. He doesn't say anything, but instead leans over me and rubs my head gently. "Sorry," He repeats, guilt burrowing deep within his soul. I can see the emotions swelling in his eyes. "I told you, it's okay. Err... Why'd you wake me?" I say, tilting my head and shuffling away from him a bit. The sudden explosion of emotions emitting from him makes me feel... Somewhat uneasy. I cough to break the tension building between us. "Oh, right. I woke you because it's time to leave. We will be returning later tonight for another meet up. For now, we must be off to see The Undertaker," Sebastian says timidly with a slight bow. His gentlemanliness makes me giggle. "Is something funny?" He questions. "No, no. You just seemed... Kinda cute," I say, before I even know what I'm doing. I cover my mouth after saying it and he lets out a soft chuckle. His hands rest on my shoulder and his head comes close to mine. He kisses my forehead and I blush lightly, but force the redness to go away. I don't want to blush in front of him. "And yes, you're mine. If that's what you were dreaming about," He smirks slyly and walks away. "Hurry up, then. We're going, with or without you," He chuckles again. I stand up and race after him, the blush faded but still there, somewhat visible.

"Young Master," Sebastian bows, holding Ciel's hand lightly as he lifts him in to the carriage, smiling politely but fakely. "It was a pleasure having you all. I can't wait until tonight! It'll be absolutely delightful!" The little blonde boy says. I roll my eyes, but face away from him so he doesn't notice. Sebastian notices though and grabs my arm, pulling me gently towards the carriage. As he pulls me, I vaguely see Claude frowning. I stick my tongue out at him while Sebastian lifts me to the top of the carriage. "The Young Master is tired, so we'll let him sleep. I wouldn't want you disturbing him," Sebastian says with an ever so slight chuckle. I smile sweetly at him and place my hands in my lap, staring forward. I ignore the looks coming from Claude; the looks of him begging me to stay. Stupid butler. I don't trust him. He'd probably end up wrapping me in silk and eating me, judging by the fact he loves spiders so much. And his energy... It's abnormal! Even worse than Sebastian's! Not.. Not that Sebastian's is bad. It's just... Not human. Of course, it's because he's a demon. So is Claude. I've figured that out. Not so hard to see.

"Bye, Ciel!" Alois waves frantically, his mouth gaping open in a ginormous grin. Claude stands behind him, his gloves hands upon Alois's shoulders. It looks... Wrong. I look away and stare forward once again. "So... Who is this Undertaker person you speak of?" I ask, turning to face Sebastian. "You'll remember when you see him," Sebastian says with a sigh. "Remember him?" I question, tilting my head to the side. He shrugs. "He'll remember you too," Sebastian smirks, chuckling slyly. I bite my lip and look over the edge of the carriage, running through my memories, searching for the name Undertaker. The name doesn't exactly ring a bell. Not at all, in fact.

"Eh heh heh heh..." A creepy voice laughs from inside the shady looking store. He's a mortician... I think to myself, noting the fact that there's coffin's all over the place. Also, the skulls. Those creepy skulls that stare at you. I shiver and Sebastian takes my hand. The bluenette Ciel is behind us, walking casually. Sebastian leads me through the door. "Eh heh heh heh..." There it is again. That creepy voice, laughing. "Sebastian, this place gives me the creeps," I whisper, tugging on Sebastian's sleeve. He looks at me oddly. "You don't remember?" He replies. I shake my head. He looks expecting. Maybe I'm supposed to have already remembered something...

"Hello?" Sebastian calls out, apparently to somebody. "Yes?" Comes a low reply, followed by a small laugh, much like the previous ones. "Undertaker, we're here for information," Sebastian sighs, facepalming like a gentleman. "Oh! Right, well what would you like to kno--" The voice stops as a man dressed all in black with silver-grey hair and a long, scraggly hat steps out in to view, his eyes not visible. I don't know it, but his eyes are wide. "K-K..." He stutters, shuffling over to me, his coat dragging on the floor. I whimper and hide behind Sebastian. "K.. Kusaichi?" The grey haired man says finally, his arms outstretched. I don't recognise him, not in the least. "Err..." I mutter, still hiding behind the butler, gripping his tailcoat. "You don't... Don't remember him?" Sebastian says nervously. "N-No... Is that a bad thing?" I reply sullenly. He shakes his head. "No, not at all. Now, Undertaker. We're here for a reason, not just to talk about Kusaichi," Sebastian says, his gaze wandering upon the weird fellow with a scarred face and covered eyes. "Oh... Eh heh... Right..." Undertaker says, stiffening and standing up straight. "What do you need, hmm?" He says, moving his hands to his chest, holding them up much like a dog would. "We're here to get information about the recent murders throughout London. The murders of the seven elderly women in the rest home," Ciel says, shoving past Sebastian. "Ooh... Another case? Eh heh, well, you're in luck. I happen to know a thing or two... But I want my payment," Undertaker shuffles forward again, drooling a little bit. I squint. "What are you, a dog?" I suddenly burst out. Undertaker is taken aback and stumbles backwards a couple of steps, obviously hurt. "You're not the same... Kusaichi would never say something so rude..." Undertaker whines. "Hmph," I say, folding my arms. "Enough, Kusaichi. Please, Young Master, head outside. I wouldn't want you to hear this joke. It's... Rude," Sebastian says, glaring sternly at me then softly at Ciel. Ciel nods and turns around, opening the door and exiting swiftly. 

"Ahahaha!" Undertaker bursts out laughing, falling to the floor in a fit of giggles. "Thank you for such an amazing laugh!" He screams, standing up and dusting himself off. "That was probably the worst joke I've ever heard, Sebastian!" I debate. Undertaker frowns, but continues chuckling. "Best, you mean!" He corrects, waggling his finger. I roll my eyes. Ciel walks back in suddenly and I straighten up, not wanting to seem rude. "Right now, what is it that you all want to know?" Undertaker says, tilting his head. "Well, that depends. How much do you know?" Ciel says sternly. "I know a little bit," Undertaker replies confidently. "I see... Like what?" Sebastian butts in. "Hmm... Well, the murders have all been very similar. Removed and not found eyes, heart and brain," The man in black answers, shrugging softly. It's only now that I recognise him. His scent fills his nose and a sudden memory strikes me. "Uhh..." I stutter, stumbling back. "Kusaichi?" Sebastian queries. "Nothing. Just... Remembered something..." I say, coughing. "Please, continue your conversation," I say nervously, spinning around and walking over to a clump of desks and shelves. They're all cluttered with books and jars. The books mostly being of how to tell if a body is dead, how to build an amazing coffin and other weird dead-people stuff. I remember them. All of them. Even the jars of home-made dog bone biscuits. They make me want to cry. "Wonderful..." I whisper, kneeling down. Sebastian stares at me, but turns his head back to Undertaker. "So, this person is a mad man?" Ciel says, also staring at me. I shudder. "I suppose. It depends what you'd call a mad man. I myself am quite mad, but you don't see me going around murdering people, heh..."

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