Because You Are Mine ★Sebastian Michaelis Love Story★

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Grell POV

I look skywards as I run, noticing the sun is lowering. It's getting late. I need to hurry. Frowning with desperation, I push forwards through the coming night and blasting wind. I... Have to hurry up! Come on legs, don't fail me now! I hiss in my mind, putting in even more effort.

My legs begin to hurt as I near the end of the road, to a sort of pathway. The smell of Sebastian lingers in the air and I swoon, but regain my balance and normalness before blasting down the driveway with the last of my energy.

"B-Bassy!" My voice explodes in to the large mansion as I kick down the doors. A small boy of around fourteen stomps in to the room, looking very pissed. And girly. Pfft. He could never look as good as me! Oh... And... Is that his butler? Yes. Ugly, compared to Sebastian. He's obviously a Sebastian wannabe.

"And who the hell are you?!" The little blonde boy shouts. "I am Grell Sutcliff!" I scream at him. "Where is my Bassy?!"

"Your Bassy? I don't think so," A cold voice sighs. "S-Sebastian!" I squeal running up and attempting to hug him. As always, he dodges swiftly and runs his fingers through his wonderful hair. Hair that is the perfect length and perfect colour... Hair that makes me sway and become dizzy. No! I have to remain on topic! "S-Sebastian! Y-You can't go b-back to hell! D-Don't leave me!" I squeek, my voice high and forced. Tears swell in the corners of my eyes. "What? What are you talking about! Speak, damn it!" Sebastian practically screams at me. "C-Ciel didn't tell you?" I ask nervously, shrinking down. "Tell me what?!" His eyes burn a bright red, almost pink. Ahh... Red. The colour of pas-- No! On topic! "I-I was snooping around his office and... You're.... You're being sent back to hell and are having your contract broken... Y-You're getting a new contract..." I stutter, falling to my knees. A wave of emotions rolls over me, covering me like a blanket. "Don't... Leave..." I breathlessly say, grabbing the sleeves of his pants. He kicks me off, but gently. Odd... He doesn't normally do anything gently to me. He suddenly kneels down beside me. "I'm not going anywhere. They can't take me back there. I don't... I don't want to go back. I'll find a way, Grell, but not for you. Not for me. For Kusaichi... I made a promise. I will eternally protect her," He says sincerely, as if saying a sacred prayer. He stands back up and glares at Ciel. "Young Master, why did you deprive from telling me?" He says, softening his voice to sound calm, obviously not wanting to annoy the little bluenette brat. Err... The little bluenette Lord. Yes. That's better. "Sebastian, I didn't tell you because I didn't want to worry you or Kusaichi," He replies, closing his eye and lowering his head. "But you still could have told me! Now... How long do I have before... You know," Sebastian sighs dramatically. "You have until next week... On tuesday..." Ciel replies, also sighing, but more sorrowfully.

Wait... Where is Kusaichi? I look up and around, seeing nothing but the little blonde brat, the blue haired brat, that weird Sebastian wannabe and Bassy himself. 

"But Young Master, that's four days! I-I have to plan something! If you had've only told me earlier, I would have been able to do something about it!" Sebastian shouts, not directly at Ciel. He looks almost... Sad. Impossible. Sebastian may be able to fake being happy, but he's never sad. "I... I told you, Sebastian. I didn't want you to worry. I was going to... I don't know... Defend you when they came to get you..." Ciel said, a bit emotionlessly. Sebastian lets out a long, depressing sigh. "Nobody tell Kusaichi. I will find a way to stop them. That includes you, Claude. No telling her, no matter how much you hate me," Sebastian hisses, glaring at the Sebastian wannabe with his wonderful glowing red eyes. Literally glowing. Blondey nods. "Claude, I order you to keep it a secret from Kusaichi. And everyone else, for that matter. I may hate you, Sebastian, but Kusaichi likes you. Consider this a generous gesture," He says, nodding frantically. The Claude person bows, just like Sebastian would. I grit my teeth. Stupid Bassy wannabe... "Yes, Your Highness," Claude says in a monotone voice. Bleck. His voice even sucks.

Kusaichi POV

With a wide smile across my face, I sit outside on a cool rock. As the moon begins to rise above me, a few stars come out of hiding. Inside, I hear some shouting, but choose to ignore it. I've had enough fighting for a lifetime. There's no point getting involved.

A cool breeze flutters around me, gently lapping against my legs and arms. I tingle at the sensation, but enjoy it nevertheless. It's relaxing; calming. Like being swept away by an ocean wave. With a sigh of enjoyment and relief, I lay back against the rock, closing my eyes and thinking hard about things to help ignoring the shouting. Perhaps I shout go check it out? I ask myself. No... I decide against it in the end and simply open my eyes to look up at the stars.

They burn a golden white, gleaming and glittering in the darkness of the night. The moon, further to the left, seems to be radiating a sort of dark feeling. It sends shivers down my spine, so I look away. I never really did like the moon. And that's for a reason. Closing my eyes for a second, and hopefully final time for the night, I can feel sleep seeping in. I allow the soothing darkness to take me away.

Kusaichi's Dream POV

All around me, bats swarm, attacking my young, six year old body. They scrape at my clothes and I stumble back, landing against something hard. I fall down on to my butt and sniffle. "Kusaichi, are you alright?" A soothing and familiar voice whispers in my ear. I shake my head. "S-Sebastian, they're scary," I whimper. I feel strong hands on either side of me and they pull me up in to the air. Sebastian places me on his back gently and a feeling of safety and security blankets me. "W-Why are they here, Sebastian?" I ask, rubbing my eye with one hand, as my other arm is wrapped loosely around his neck to keep me from falling off. "The moon, Kusaichi," Sebastian softly replies. "The moon?" I question, staring at the growing swarm of midnight black creatures, their fangs bared and screeches filling the night. "The moon is a demon's gateway. Somebody has sent them, Kusaichi. Sent them to kill us. You and I," Sebastian replies, almost sorrowfully. Almost. "Why us?" I squeak, nervous. "Because, many people hate me. I'm a demon, Kusaichi, remember?" I nod at his comment. "But then... Why me?" I whisper. "Because, I have chosen to stay eternally by your side, hand in hand. Because you are mine."

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