Chapter 20 : Rush

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: rush :

: to do something in a hurry

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"I-I should be going now" Hinata said as she stood up and straightened her jacket, Naruto followed with his gaze and asked "You planned something?"

"Sort of..." She said, making sure that the bouquet she brought for him looked nice, "A-A massive delivery arrived yesterday, K-Kiba-kun and I are one of the ninjas chosen t-to help carry the cement powders a-and lumber to different construction sites"

"I'll tag alon-" "No you won't" Sakura sternly said as she abruptly opened the door, the blonde flinched and then whined "But why?!"

"Because!" Sakura pointed out "You and Kiba would bump into each other, instead of helping build up the village, you'd be destroying it!"

"I'll behave, Sakura-chan!" "No" The pinkette put her hands on her waist "Listen here, idiot! What are you gonna do there? You're an amputee! You can't help much!"

"But-" Naruto tried to reason, and he knew that the only way he'll get out is if- "Hinata! You don't mind if I come wi- Oi! Hinata! You're sneaking out?!"

Hinata flinched as she was halfway out the door. She then nervously turned with a smile and said "I-It's just that I heard Kiba-kun calling me already..."

"I can hear ten times better than you, and you know it!" The shinobi argued, making her freeze, knowing she's been caught, so she took slow steps backwards, "O-Oi! Hinata! How dare you!"

Naruto hopped off his bed and took a step forward, and as soon as he did, Hinata made a run for it, "Oi!!" "I'M SORRY!!!"

Sakura only grabbed him by the collar as he tried running after the busy kunoichi, giving him a death glare, making him cower back and hesitantly obey.

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"It's getting harder and harder to enter the village everyday" Anko said to Kakashi as finished another stick of dango "You should do something about that!"

"We have to increase security by the main entrance" The Hokage insisted "Those people from all over the world, most of them, they came to see Naruto. We can't afford the hospital being disrupted or the different places he goes to to be bombarded with them. Plus, some of them might be intruders, so each and every ninja claiming to be entering because of a mission has to be interrogated"

"If you say so" The Mitarashi shrugged as she turned and walked away, waving her hand dismissively "I'm gonna go now, dangos aren't gonna eat themselves"

- - - - -

Kiba's nose twitched wildly as he sniffed up and down a pile of lumber.

Hinata came back covered with dust from the sacks of cement powder she carried back and fort, she worriedly walked to him and asked "I-Is everything okay, Kiba-kun? You haven't carried anything yet..."

"Something smells off, Hinata" He said as he crossed his arms "But I can't tell what, there's a lot of people and materials, my nose can't pick up what. And while Akamaru's still recovering, I'm not sure if I'm even smelling something off correctly"

"I-I can check, if you want" She said as she formed a hand seal, ready to activate her Byakūgan any moment, but her friend shook his head and said "Nah, I'm just confused, I think. Come on"

Kiba picked up all the lumber he could as Hinata nodded and carried a sack of cement.

Little did the others know...

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