Chapter 17 : Determined

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: Determined :

: Having or showing persistence into doing something.


"What the actual fuck, Hinata?"

Naruto's hand suddenly slapped itself on his mouth, then looking at Hinata with an ounce of fear in his eyes.

Hinata tilted her head in confusion.

The bluenette and the blonde were different in many ways, in speech patterns, for example, the latter being rather foul mouthed and the other with carefully chosen words. The two won't deny.

"Don't say that, it's bad, dattebayo" Naruto said after removing his hand, she blushed and turned away, "O-Of course, I won't..."

"Nevermind then," He said as he slapped his hand to his knee " 'Cause I've got something to tell you, Hinata!"

"W-What is it?" She asked.

Naruto suddenly glared into her eyes, as if he was trying to non-verbally tell her that he was upset about something.

Hinata shifted uncomfortably on the foot of his hospital bed. She understands that he's upset, but she couldn't understand why.

"U-Um..." She muttered, the blonde suddenly gestured furiously at her hands.

The confused Hyūga then looked at her hands from all angles that she could possibly do, trying to understand what he's trying to not say.

Hinata pouted and looked back at Naruto with one raised brow, "Is he jealous that I got two hands or something?"

Naruto huffed and motioned her to take a look at it better.

She hesitantly looked back to her hands. She considered trying to sniff it, but that would be too embarassing. Perhaps it was her lap?

"God da-" Naruto cut himself off before continuing "Your hands, Hinata!"

"Y-Yeah... I-I have hands..." Hinata said in an obvious tone, making him shake his head and yell "No! I'm not jealous of your hands, so get that out of your head!"

She held back a laugh. Okay, so it's not because he has one arm.

"S-So...?" She asked, fighting off a smile since he was fuming already, he then huffed and said "Don't think I can't see that"

Hinata suddenly realized what he was upset about. She raised her hand and pointed at her ring and middle fingers that were binded together with bandages, "B-Bandage?"

"Yes!" He said, clearly upset about it, "You weren't injured yesterday afternoon, what the hell have you been doing the moment I wasn't around?!"

"A-Ah, w-well you see..." Hinata said as she nervously hid her hand behind her back, "I-I was making s-some hot milk f-for Hanabi since she was craving, a-and I accidentally burnt my palm... S-So when I went to train, I-I flinched when my burn hit the pad a-and injured m-my middle finger in the process..."

Naruto was now very obviously not happy about how clumsy she was. She was preparing milk! What could've happened if she actually was stirring a boiling pot of ramen?! She might be dead by now!

Well, maybe Naruto was exaggerating, but still!

"Hinata..." He groaned as he slumped down into his bed, rubbing his hand on his face in an attempt not to stress out about her clumsiness, Hinata looked down and said "I-I'm sorry... I-I should've been m-more careful, N-Naruto-kun..."

"You got hurt, Hinata..." He groaned as he slammed his pillow to his face, "I dunno what to do now"

Hinata have heard the line "Hinata, if you got hurt, I won't know what to do" millions of times before, from Kiba, Shino, Neji, Kō, her father, and a lot more of others, but she didn't think that they actually meant it.

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