Chapter 38 : Antipathy

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: antipathy :

: a strong feeling of dislike towards (someone)


Special thanks to him3hina for the request.


"This is Sadashi Kakushin of the Land of Lakes" Kakashi introduced "He's a funded inventor of Kumogakure"

"Oh hey! You must be really smart then, dattebayo!" Naruto, unprofessional as usual, cheered as he slapped the man's shoulder playfully, "To get a meat head to fund you and all!"

"Yeah..." The man, identified as Kakushin, groaned annoyedly as he lightly glared at the blonde, shuffling a bit further away.

Kakushin is a fair skinned man with matching brown hair and eyes, dressed particularly like a civilian, carrying a large bag with some hanging cords.

"It's a simple mission, escort him back to his home village safely" The Hokage explained.

Shikamaru and Naruto nodded with a chorused "Got it!"

"Good" Kakashi said with a smile behind his mask, "Naruto, you lead"

"W-What?!" Both Shikamaru and Naruto choked out, the Nara in shock, and the Uzumaki with excitement.

"You heard me; you're in charge" The Hatake confirmed.

"YATTA!!! My first mission as a leader!!" Naruto cheered loudly before shaking Shikamaru by his shoulders, "Can you believe it, Shikamaru?!"

"Wha... Huh??" Shikamaru asked again.

Shikamaru takes pride in his brains and leadership skills, he rarely wasn't a leader on missions, only when an older, higher ranking, and more experienced leader comes in. Which, by the way, not Naruto.

"Now, now, Naruto" Kakashi scolded, "Before you get carried away, what do you do?"

"Oh, right!" The blonde nodded before turning to Kakushin, "Hiya! I'm Uzumaki Naruto! And this is Nara Shikamaru. We're going to prepare for the mission! When do you plan to leave?"

"As soon as possible" Kakushin hesitantly answered, not trusting the leadership skill of this hyperactive blonde right before him, "While it's still early in the morning"

"Alright, then!" Naruto nodded with a bright grin, "Meet us at the entrance of this tower in an hour tops! We'll pack up!"

The three soon left the office, the exact same time Shizune let herself in with Tonton in her arms, "Naruto looked like he has an extra bounce to his step, Hokage-sama. Did something happen?"

"I assigned him to be a leader for the first time" Kakashi chuckled, "He's excited, is all"

- - - - -

Naruto excitedly landed by the entrance after jumping from roof to roof less than an hour later, meeting up with his partner and their client.

His head tilted in confusion as he saw Shikamaru send of a messenger hawk, startling Kakushin at the powerful wind it fanned with its wings.

"What's the messenger for?" He asked as he walked up to them.

Shikamaru lazily crossed his arms behind his head and said "Shizune gave us the messenger just now for a last minute addition. Hinata might be coming along"

"Great, sounds like another energetic idiot for the team" Kakushin groaned, and luckily for his dear life, Naruto didn't hear and Shikamaru decided not to snitch.

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