Chapter 29 : Improve

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: improve :

: to become better


It was a peaceful afternoon on a hilltop, a single oak tree beautifully placed on the very top.

Sitting on the outstretched arm of the said tree, a fair maiden, most patient of them all.

The temperature was still a little cold as spring just started, and the night, too, was nearing, so the beauty couldn't help but wear her warm mission gear, even on her day off.

Her pale lavender eyes looked off into the horizon, reflecting the beautiful scenery as if it was the blank canvas and the world was the paint.

Her well trained ears picked up shuffling of grass from behind her, footsteps heading towards her.

It didn't take long until a pair of calloused and masculine hands grabbed on to the branch, just right beside her, then hoisting up the man to sit beside her.

A soft, almost inevident, smile etched on her face as her cheeks became visibly warmer. She didn't need to turn her head to know who it was beside her, she could tell it was him just by the sound of his walk.

"Hey" Naruto greeted as he smiled brightly at her, Hinata didn't face him, but her smile became a little wider, still relaxed, "Hey"

Just one word, that's all the pair said.

The blonde hated silence, because it was the only thing he hears when he's alone.

The bluenette hated silence, because it was the only thing she hears when she's ignored.

But somehow, they don't mind much silence when they're together.

Maybe it was because they could hear their loud heartbeats, because they were hyper aware to their surroundings, or both.

"... Ya cut your hair" Naruto said, turning his vibrant blue eyes back onto the maiden on his right.

Hinata silently gasped, looking at him in slight surprise as her left hand instinctly raked into her hair. She then giggled and said "Y-Yeah, I'm surprised you noticed"

"Yeah?" He chuckled, she nodded and said "I cut my hair a little yesterday, and I was sure nobody would notice..."

"Gee..." He laughed softly as he scratched his cheek "It's not that big of a difference, but I noticed"

"I-I barely trimmed an inch" She pointed out, he nodded and said "I noticed"

They both suddenly laughed, the sound of their joy mixing in perfect harmony.

Such a subtle change she made, yet he still noticed.

"Come to think of it," Naruto thought as he placed his hand back down "Hinata and I weren't like this before"

Thinking back, Naruto could only remember a handful of moments with her when they were younger. It's just amazing how all of those made an impact on him, a positive impact.

And the first memory he could remember of her was way back then, the day he picked up her name...

<< << <<

"Alright, class dismissed" Iruka said as he closed his book, "Except for you, Naruto. You have detention"

The eight year old boy huffed as he crossed his arms, hearing whispers and feeling glares of which he ignored, "Yeah, yeah! No need to rub it in, sensei!"

The class scuffled out of the room, the pitter-patter of their feet echoing in the room and through the hall as their chatter joined in, too.

Naruto chuckled to himself as his face turned to one of his infamous mischievous grins as he joined in with the crowd of his classmates to escape detention.

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