Chapter 16 : Distraction

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: Distraction :

: something that amuses (someone) that makes it difficult for (someone) to pay attention.


"So I said to Shikamaru and Choji, Ino switched minds with the beefy guy! So Shikamaru asked me- Is that Hinata?"

Sakura raised a brow and said "But I thought you were only with team- Naruto?"

She looked around the area and looked at random villagers walking passed them, she then looked at Sai, he then simply pointed at a bakery.

"Should we wait?" Sai asked, Sakura shrugged as she tucked some of her hair back "Probably"

After a few seconds, Naruto came out carrying what seemed to be six shopping bags, all six in one hand.

Only to be followed out by Hinata with a piece of cinnamon roll with both her hands, taking a bite out of it, then reached it up to Naruto, which he gladly took a bite out of, while having what seemed to be a lovely conversation.

Sakura and Sai watched the two walk away, sharing a piece of bread.

"That guy..." Sakura groaned "He literally has the attention span of a table"

"They are walking remarkably slow" Sai pointed out "Considering Naruto's really impatient and a fast walker, it is surprising to see him like this"

The pinkette sighed "Come on, you're helping me with hospital work"


- - - - -

Kiba sighed as he limped with Shino assisting him, then warrily looked at the extremely tired girl.

The mission was rough, but luckily enough, Hinata came just in time to save their asses after she finally got free from her kidnappers.

And even more so, they were lucky enough that only Kiba was injured since he was the only one who engaged in Taijutsu as Shino assisted him.

"You tired, Hinata?" He asked, she accidentally let out a yawn at the word 'tired' before apologetically hiding her mouth with her hands.

"Yep, I'll take that as a yes" Kiba laughed, even though it hurt his ribs, Hinata giggled and said "Yes. I'm sorry I'm not able to heal you, Kiba-kun. I'm just so exhausted and Shino-kun insists that I should rest instead"

Akamaru barked in agreement as he walked near beside Kiba, ready to catch him anytime soon.

Hinata felt her eyelids go really heavy, and they weren't even close to the Hokage's mansion yet!

"Stay awake, stay awake, stay awake" She kept repeating to herself as she basically started to drag her feet and walk extra slower than usual.

Suddenly, they heard that familiar loud voice wreaking noise havoc in his path.


The trio looked up and saw Naruto furiously jumping from roof to roof, clearly overreacting to something as usual.

The three followed him with their eyes as he headed towards the mansion.

"Naruto-kun?" Hinata thought "I wonder what happened this time..."

Curiosity got the best of her, she then walked ahead and said "I wonder what's going on"

Kiba and Shino could see genuine worry in her face as she jogged towards the mansion to check on what happened.

"I was pretty sure that..." Kiba said "She was super tired just seconds ago"

- - - - -

"Yeah, it was super pretty" Sakura said to Ino as the both of them giggled at their girly conversation.

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