chapter 26

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what are you reading this on??? Phone? iPod? Laptop?

Audible dot com ayyyy

Jk im lame wow srry

btw the camping chapters will be kinda long so



"Jolissa Colleen Philips, get down here this instant and greet your friend!"

Female dog.

I grumble to myself and drag my suitcase down the stairs, not caring that it sounds like a series of bombs on the way down each step. Why did I agree on coming to this stupid trip? Oh yeah, I almost forgot that I was forced against my will.

And where the heck is Liam? I don't think I can handle being near Laura without someone getting ready to hold me back. Not that I would even do anything, but who knows. I might just accidentally swing at her and then she might accidentally hit the ground and then the ambulance will accidentally pay a visit and then-

"Hey, Jolissa," Dylan stands awkwardly with his hands in his pockets as his brown eyes meet mine.

Embarrassed with how rude I was acting with dragging my suitcase and all- since I thought it'd be Laura here instead- I shyly smile at his gorgeous looking self.

"Hi, Dylan." This is great. We're speaking and this is just great.

He nods and points his thumb towards the open door. "We just stopped by to pick you up. Are you ready to leave?"

"Yes, she's all done. Thank you so much for picking her up, Dylan. Jolissa appreciates it, and she is sure she will have so much fun with your family," my mother chimes in with that stupid fake smile on her face.

I roll my eyes, hoping nobody saw it. And when I look around to make sure, Dylan is thankfully clueless and my mother is still yapping away.

"Hello Mrs. Philips! Why, don't you look quite lovely in that color. Maroon really suits you," Liam's voice comes into the front door with a cheeky grin on his face.

My mother and Dylan's attention turn to him and her face quickly turns into a bright smile.

Nice one, Payne. Shower her with compliments why don't you.

"Liam," she beams. "It's a delight to see you again!"

Oh shut it, woman.

"And you too, ma'am. Actually, I came to see if Jo was finished packing."

This is when Dylan speaks up. "Yeah, she is. Ready to leave, Jolissa?" he turns to me.

Is this actually happening? Dylan actually wants me to join him? I never thought I would live to see this day happen. Never in the daylight did I ever think that he would talk to me, let alone willingly want me to leave somewhere with him. Even though we obviously weren't going somewhere alone. But that doesn't matter because i'm pretending it's just the two of us...and Liam.

"Funny," the familiar chuckle escapes Liam's mouth. "But Jo's coming with me."

"I don't see how that's funny at all, though. She was leaving with me because we have a camping trip to be at." Dylan says, looking annoyed by Liam. His cheeks are sort of pinkish and he looks almost...mad?

"It's funny because I say it is," Liam starts, amused by Dylan's reaction to him. "And we're going to the same trip, so don't you worry your pretty little blond-haired self."

For a second, Laura's brother looks slightly flustered before he fixes his expression to narrow his eyes. "What is funny is that you don't even call her by her real name as her boyfriend."

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