chapter 20

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Fact that nobody cares to know:

When using in female form, it's blonde

When in male form, it's blond

hope you learned something new lol

comment your hair color! I'm a brunette ;)


"You're kidding,"

Liam puts on his signature grin,"Nope."

"I can't believe you asked my mother if you could take me away from home and worse, I can't believe she actually agreed."

He cracks his knuckles cockily, "Well, what can I say, Jo? Everyone loves me."

I roll my eyes, snorting as I push open the car door.

"Everyone but me."

"Ah, but Jo, you love me too. You just refuse to admit it," he says, walking around to the side where I am after he shuts and locks his door.

I choose not to argue because I may or may not be somewhat - I said somewhat - attracted to him.

He smiles openly as we walk towards the bowling entrance to meet his friends. As soon as we make it inside, the floors are black with colorful neon designs, making my white shoelaces the color purple.

"Payno!" A loud voice says, and my eyes look to find a smiling blond-haired boy spreading his arms out while walking towards us.

"Niall!" Liam smiles, giving the blond boy a bear hug.

Clearly Liam and this Niall boy have some kind of bromance going on.

"S'bout time ya made it! We've been waitin' for you!" he beams in some weird accent before his blue eyes settle on mine.

Wow, if his eyes were an ocean, I would dive right in.

In a totally non creepy way.

"This is Jo," Liam says, almost uncomfortably.

Is he embarrassed of me? Did I forget to shave today or something? Did my breath smell awful? Was there spinach in my teeth? Wait, I didn't even have spinach.

I give a weak smile, unsure why Liam introduced me that way and Niall winks at Liam.

"Nice to finally meet ya," he tells me and motions for us to follow him into a bowling area where two other boys sit around a table right in the middle.

Why they would put a table in the middle of the bowling area is beyond me. Someone should really redesign this whole place because it honestly looks like it wasn't even planned out and they just slapped on a whole bunch of random wallpapers and placed tables in random areas. The people of this place really deserve a slap to the face.

Or a bowling ball.

"Liam, it's about damn time!" the first boy exclaims, sarcastically.

"We already ate the pizza, sorry mate," the second one says, scratching the dark stubble on his face.

Liam chuckles next to me, "It's alright, this is Jo-"

"Jolissa," I cut in smiling, because I want to make a good impression on his friends. Also, I would not appreciate the fact that everyone would be calling me Jo.

Even though I let Liam do it on a daily basis but that would be for a different reason...

"So this is the famous, Jo, eh?" the first boy asks, looking at me.

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