chapter 7

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"Don't you have a dinner to attend?" I roll my eyes, still sprawled out on my bed.

"Yes, but I want to make sure you're okay. So if you let me in, we could talk about it," he says through the door, tapping on it.

Curse my sore legs that stand up and immediately walk towards the door to open it and let him in.

"There's nothing to discuss," I hold my head up, trying to look tough and he chuckles while stepping past me and into my room.

Wow, I never fail to love the amount of manners this guy has for me. Not.

I sigh in frustration as he sits on my bed and pats for me to sit next to him.

I sit the furthest I can because hey, we don't need this guy trying anything on me. Not that he will, but who the heck am I kidding.

"Why did you get angry and leave?" he furrows his eyebrows. Darn it, I hate him and his menacingly adorable face expressions.

"I told you, my stomach hurts,"

"Jo, we both know that isn't the truth. You're mad about something,"


"Is it me?" his voice sounds really soft, like he'll almost be hurt by my answer.

"Maybe," I say, battling with myself about how I feel towards Liam.

"If it's me, i'll leave right now if you want me to. This is your house and your parents, I shouldn't be taking that away from you." He tells me sincerely.

Yes, he will finally leave! I finally got this stalker off my back! This is what I have been waiting for since he got here! Praise Jesus! I should have a party while he's away. Wait, but who would want to come besides Daisy and Laura.

Scratch out the party idea, it was stupid anyway.

"Is that what you want?" he asks me again in a serious tone but I stay quiet.

Although I was just cheering about wanting him in a home run like baseball, another side of me wants him to stay. But I want to win this bet so badly. Do I really though? Or am I just saying this crap just to please myself? I don't really know anymore.

"No," I sigh, scared of my sudden answer, "it isn't you, this time," I add and the both of us smile.

"It's your mum then?"

"Yes, god yes. She is always so controlling over me. She never lets me be myself, or wear what I want to wear," I gesture to my outfit, "I know she seems like the sweetest lady you've ever met, but once your gone, she's merely the devil,"

"The devil, huh?" Liam lifts up his eyebrows and hides a laugh.

"It's true okay! She treats you like your her favorite child, even though I am actually her birth child. Trust me, if I could control coming out of her the day I was born, I would have stayed in,"

Liam laughs and his shoulders shake.

"Besides the bits of over exaggeration, are you saying that you're jealous?" he asks.

Jealous? Are you kidding me? I, Jolissa Colleen Phillips, am not, nor will I ever be jealous. Except that one time Daisy got tickets to see Miley Cyrus and invited Laura only, but that doesn't count right? Anyways, that's not the point, i'm never jealous.

"Of what?" I scoff.

"Jo, it is completely understandable if you are. It's normal to want more attention from your parents. After all, I haven't seen my mum in over ten years, and it's nice just to have that family feel again,"

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