chapter 21

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what's your fav candy??? I like hersheys mmm


"Jo, I need to ask a favor of you," my dad says, taking a large bite from the toast my mother made for him.

"Okay," I am not sure there's an option of refusal. I only woke up to get a glass of water before going back to bed, but apparently that wasn't the case for my dad.

He slides a paper and a credit card across the table. "I need you to do a little shopping for me. Tonight we're having dinner party for employees and I'll need everything on the list. You know how to drive right?"

My mother walks in the dining room from the kitchen, holding a plate of buttered toast.

"Well, it's safe to say that I don't," I answer truthfully. I wouldn't want to become that girl who accidentally drives into someone's house while trying to back up.

"Perfectly fine. Liam wouldn't mind taking you, i'm sure. Perhaps you could even invite him tonight," my mother interjects, nose in our business like always.

"Why do I always have to invite him places?" I groan more to myself. After all, we had a date today.

Wait, but this dinner party means that I wouldn't be able to go.


I'm starting to love the idea of this dinner party thing.

"Because, Jolissa, he is a family friend."

"Since when?" I gawk.

"No arguments, young lady. I need you to get everything on that list while i'm out for the day. And I trust you to take care of my money while you're using it only for shopping purposes. Hopefully, i'll be home in time to help you three set up the table," dad says.

"Us three?" Why am I just now hearing about this.

"You, your mother, and Liam."

Great, now i'll have to deal with her too.

"You can invite Daisy and Laura, too. I'm sure they wouldn't mind attending," mom says and I cringe at their names.

Daisy and Laura weren't even in the position to be called my friends anymore. Sadly.

"It's fine," I grumble.

I finish gulping the water in my glass before they can tell me to do anything else, and hurry upstairs with the list and credit card in my hands.

When I reach my room, my phone is already ringing. Without even checking the caller ID like an idiot from a cliche horror movie, I press the phone to my ear.


"Finally, Jo. This is the third time i've called. Are you getting ready?" Liam asks, almost laced with sarcasm.

"About the date," I contemplate. "Yeah, we can't do it today."

"Why not?" his voice sounds disappointed. I kind of feel bad for canceling at last minute on him.

"My dad is having this dinner party thing for work at our house and I need to go pick up some crap on a list."

He's quiet for a while, "Okay, but you should know by now that i'm taking you."

"That's what I feared, although I was basically forced to ask you."

"I feel so loved."

"Shut up and come pick me up so we can get this stupid shopping over with. Maybe we could do the date thing tomorrow," I suggest.

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