22 : TodoDeku at it's finest

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Word count : 1,375

Warning : Lime, remember that's not smut.

*Izuku pov*
When school was over I immediately ran to Roki and started to run away from the school. "Zuku why were we running?" Roki asks when I swerve into an alley to catch my breath. "One, to hid from my Family. Two, I need to tell you something in private." I say making eye contact with Roki. He nods his head as if he was telling me to continue. I sigh and muster up the courage to tell him. "Listen, I know that you would probably find out sooner or later so I'm just going to tell you right now."
"I'm Black Fox."
"What? You.... your Black Fox?"
I nod and look down expecting him to say something.
"Zuku look up.














































I'm not mad." Roki says in a calm voice. My head shoots up in surprise. "You.... your.. Not..mad?" He nods his head confirming the fact that he loved me. Almost immediately I started to tear up and I was soon crying into Todoroki's chest as he tried to reassure me that everything was going to be ok. " Izuku, it's going to be okay. I'm not going to leave your side." I look up for a few seconds before snuggling back into his chest. " I believe you Roki" I smile and he lets go of me as I take a hold of his hand and start to pull him towards my house. "Welp I'm going to have to face them sometime. But hey at least I have my supportive boyfriend by my side." I chuckle and less than five minutes later me and Roki are standing outside of my house. He tugs on my shirt, I look back and he gave me a look that said "it's going to be okay, just go inside I'll be right next to you the entire time" I smile at him and walk inside. Almost as soon as I close the door someone clears their throat. "Hello Izuku, Todoroki, nice to see you finally came home." I turn around and see my entire family standing in the hallway "H-hey dad, so Roki knows the situation. But he doesn't know what happened to you, I respected your wishes and didn't tell him that." I say frantically waving my hands in front of myself. Shinsou chuckles and starts to walk to the living room. Dad and Pappa follow him, I sigh, look at Roki and follow them into the living room. "Okay now that you're finally here we can talk about the whole being a vigilante thing." Pappa says as I sit down on the couch, Roki still holding my hand. I gulp and take a breath, "Okay so this started whenever I turned eleven, I'm assuming you know Shinsou helped me. He found out I was the Black Fox when I was twelve and then you guys obviously found out when I was fourteen. Yes I have evaded Ende-a-whore around thirty-four times." I say and everybody starts to chuckle or laugh at the fact that I called Endeavor, Ende-a-whore. I smile as I had gotten everybody to think of something other than me being a vigilante for a second. "Okay thank you Izuku for that chuckle but we need to stay focused. Just because Nezu didn't do anything about it doesn't mean that I won't. From now on you and we will be training together so that I can push you to your fullest potential. That and so that you won't be hurt when you go on patrol." I smile at dad and look at Shinsou, expecting him to say something. He sighs and looks at Roki " I only have to say one thing, keep him safe." Roki nods and squeezes my hand, I smile at them before looking back at dad. "So when will we start on the extra training and if Roki wants to, will he be allowed to train with us?" I asked looking Dad straight in the eyes. He sighs and nods his head "We will be starting in two days". I smile, nod, stand up and excuse me and Roki. When we reach my room we both release a breath and flop down on my bed. I start to laugh and look at Roki. " That was kind of weird. But I love my family and I wouldn't trade them for the world." I chuckle and wrap my arms around his torso cuddling into his chest.

*Lime warning. Still no smut but basically a rough makeout session.*

E-squee I would recommend you skip this.(You know who you are Squee)

Roki smirks and softly grabs my head and pulls it towards his own. In less than a few seconds we were both kissing on my bed. Soon Roki's lips leave mine and start to trail down my neck leaving bites and hickeys. But as soon as he my sweet spot I felt a shiver swim up my spine and I start to moan but he puts a hand over my mouth so that my family couldn't hear me, and starts to attack it with, Biting, nibiling, and sucking making a bright hickey. Soon Roki unbuttoned my shirt and was now trailing down my chest but when he got close to my V Line I snapped my fingers and he started coming back up towards my neck. But before he could continue to kiss me, I flipped us over and started kissing his neck. Same as me I had to put my hand over his mouth so my family didn't hear his moaning. As I trail back up, I slam my mouth on his roughly kissing him. Roki tries to flip us back over but I grab his wrists and pin them to the bed. Making sure that I stayed on top, I licked his bottom lip asking for permission and he slightly opened his mouth giving me an opportunity to slip my tongue into his mouth. Almost Immediately we were trying to fight for dominance but eventually I won because he gave into pleasure. I snaked my arm around Roki's waist and closed the remaining space between us, that made him moan into the kiss. When I bit Roki's lip he moaned. I lean up and smirk down, the sight below me was lovely. Although it would be better if he didn't have his shirt on. "Roki, would you be so kind and take your shirt off." I smiled down on him. He slightly nodded still out of breath and slid the shirt off over his head. I looked at his body below me and whistled "Dang you have the body of a Pro. Other then those......." I was about to scream scars but I put a hand over my mouth just in time.

(Lime's over)

"Was it your fucking flaming pile of garbage you shouldn't call a father!" I whisper pissed off. Roki just looks at me in complete silence. "Yes" he looked down. "What was that I couldn't hear you?" I growl and Roki looks up with determination in his gaze that made my hands lose their grip on his wrists and I was once again the bottom. "Yes. It was my father but you're not going to do anything. That's my responsibility to do something about him." I look at Roki surprised before slightly blushing as I give him a nod. I've got the feeling he noticed the blush because he pinned my wrists to the bed with one hand and with the other he laid his fingers on my chin pulling my gaze back to his. "Just remember that I love you Izuku." I smile at him "I love you too Shoto." Roki smiles at me, gives me a peck on the lips, and lays next to me in my bed. "Goodnight Zuku/Roki"

(It's 12:52 am and I still have two, two liters under my bed side table so I'm probably going to upload another chapter tomorrow.)

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