2 : What's Happening

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Word count : 1008


*Tomura pov*

When we got the call from Giran saying we needed to kidnap and possibly kill a kid, master didn't really care and said it was just a easy mission for me. I agreed to the mission considering it was master giving me the mission. So I went to the park and waited for the brat's parents to leave. When they left I walked behind him with the chloroform rag in my hand. The kid had started to talk but before he could finish his sentence I had shoved the rag in his face and he was out like a light. I pressed the button that Kurogiri had given me and in a second both me and the brat were in the base. I didn't know what to do with him so I just let Kurogiri do his thing. A few minutes later Kurogiri walked out of a room and said "go in and wait for the kid to wake up" I nodded and went in. When the kid woke up Dabi went in front of me keeping me away from the kid. I was just ticked me off and I almost rushed at the brat but I stopped and collected my thoughts.

After walking out of the room Kurogiri immediately asked if the kid was dead "No Dabi stood in front of the brat." I growled and sat at the bar table. "Dabi get your ass out here! Bring the Brat!" I scream behind me. "What's taking him so long!?"  Standing up I turned around and was about to disintegrate the door down but right before I reached it, the door opened showing a terrified child and a brunt bitch. "Finally, it took you long enough. I need to see if the brats worth keeping alive"

*One hour worth of intense torture and training later*

"Ok fine the brat can live. But he's still just a quirkless brat that isn't worth anything. Kurogiri get him something to eat" I growled and walked into my room grabbing my xbox controller and getting on minecraft.

*Dabi pov*

During that entire hour I was basically being mentally tortured. The kid reminded me of my little brother and I wanted to help him so badly, but I knew that Shigaraki wouldn't let me do anything to help the kid. So by the end of it I was so relieved when he left saying the kid could live. As soon he was out of sight I told Kurogiri to grab the first aid kit and to help me bring the kid to my room so I could disinfectant and bandage the wounds without fear Shigaraki would see me. As soon as we got into his room and closed the door, I walked up to the kid, holding out my hand for his arm. Bandages in my other hand as I smiled at him "Its going to be alright kid. I'm so sorry that your having to go through this just because you don't have a quirk. I'm so sorry" after twenty minutes of disinfecting and bandaging the kid he was finally good enough to drink some water with some help. I had a smile on as he was drinking but as soon as I picked him up he whimpered in pain, I grimace but just held on as securely as I could. "You'r going to be ok kid. I'm just going to get you something to eat." I whispered to him and sat him down at the bar, I looked up ready to call for Kurogiri but I saw him at the door with a tray of soft foods ready for the kid to eat. I smiled at him and quickly helped him feed the kid so he could go back to his cell, hopefully protected from Shigaraki. "Ok kid, me and Kurogiri are going to help you back to your room but were going to bring you food every day until Shigaraki leaves. Alright?" I softly whispered to him as I set him down on the small bed in his room. He sniffled and slightly nodded his head yes. I smiled at the kid, gave him a hug, and said good bye as I had to go back home. When I left the bar I was immediately hit with a wave of emotions as I was worried for the kid but I begrudgingly continued back to my house.

*Kurogiri pov*

When Dabi left I walked over to the kids room to find him sitting there with a frown on his face and some tears running down his face. "Hey kid, ok I know this isn't the best circumstance but I just want to let you know that me and Dabi are going to try and help you out okay. My name is Kurogiri but you can call me Giri or Kuro, its your choice. But with the Young master around please don't acknowledge me, I don't want the Young master to think i'm going against him." I softly sat down next to the kid and gave him a small hug. The kid quietly cried into my hug and I winced but didn't say anything as I let the kid cry into my vest. "The kid needs to cry." I scowled at the thought of his parents and why they would do this to their adorable kid. "They must have a screw loose to hurt this cinnamon roll." I sighed and rubbed his back as his cries slowly turned into whimpers, and soon into a small snore as he cried himself to sleep. I peeled his hand out of the tight grip and off my vest. I slowly laid him onto the small bed, and tucked him in with the small blanket that just barely fit his body shape. "I'm sorry kid" I murmured and walked out of the room locking the door behind me. With a sigh I fixed my appearance and started walking out into the lobby "Time to see to the Young master." 

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