19 : Patral & Capture

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Word count : 1,038

*Endewhore pov*

Question do you know how fucking annoying it is not being able to capture a single fucking villain. I mean seriously it's so fucking annoying how the little shit keeps slipping out of my grasp. I mean I have him in my hands one moment and the next moment he's already a block away from me. "I FUCKING HATE VILLAIN'S!!!" I scream out not caring one bit if someone was trying to sleep. After another three hours of me training... and by training I mean getting all my anger out before I mold my masterpiece into the shape I want him to be. I stomp down the hall into Shoto's room, "SHOTO!!!!!!!" I scream and he sits up and sends an Ice spike at me. "Good attempt but it's time to train so that you can have enough time to get ready for school so you can surpass All Might!!" as I yell at him to wake up I felt something glaring at me so I spun around but all I saw was a closed window. "That was... odd." I think. "Father. I'm done." I spin back around to see Shoto standing there ready for his training session. "Good now go to the dojo and start by doing fifty squat's, push up's, sit up's, pull up's, leg lunges, and then finish it off by doing a plank for five minutes." Shoto nods his head and walks to the dojo.

*Izuku pov*

I know I probably shouldn't have spied on them but I had to know what Roki's home life was like in the morning. Lets just say it became a personal mission to get Roki and his siblings out of that hell hole. After I almost got caught by Endewhore I left the Todoroki property and continued to jump around the roofs of the city hoping to help someone else out. As I jumped onto a roof that was relatively close to my house I heard some fighting in one of the alleyways. So I decided to take a look, when I looked over the edge I saw something that made my blood run cold. I saw my Dad on the ground, with multiple cuts on his body. Someone started to walk up to him, as dad tried to stand up to defend himself. But the villain stepped on Dad's stomach effectively keeping him on the ground. "Any last words EraserHead?" the villain spit. That's when I lost it, I jumped off the roof landing right behind the villain. "He may not. BUT I DO!!!" I screamed and dashed at the villain who was now focused on me. I had to duck and roll because he threw his knife at me. Soon I jumped back onto my feet and upper cutted his jaw, making the villain stumble. "Just who the fuck are you?" the villain spit. "The name's Black Fox Bitch." I smirked and ran directly at him taking his distraction as an opening to deliver the finishing blow to his pressure point. When I saw he was effectively knocked out on the ground I ran towards Dad and called an ambulance. "Hey you need to stay awake Eraser. Ok, I'm going to need you to stay awake." I say as I try my best to stop the bleeding. "What? Black Fox? Why did you help me?" I heard Dad rasp. "All I saw was a man being attacked and needing help. It just so happens that you were that man, and before you say anything I never used my quirk once so what I did was not illegal." I sigh "Ok welp now that I've stopped most of the bleeding i'm going to pick you up and carry you so we can meet the ambulance half way." I grunt and pick Dad up. "I'm so happy Dad made me and Toshi work on our muscles and not just our quirks." I scream when I see the flashing lights of the ambulance. They hear me and pull over and get out a stretcher. "Name Shota Aizawa, Quirk Eraser, Blood type B. If you need anymore information I'd have it, and yes I am the Vigilante Black Fox, now get over it, I have a 160 pound man bleeding in my arms and he is heavy so can you please do your fucking job and help him." I bark and they immediately run over with a stretcher and I set Dad on top of it. I sigh once the weight was taken out of my arms but I tense up as I feel handcuffs attach to my wrists. "That's not good." I say looking behind me looking face to face with Naomasa Tsukauchi, "It may not be good for you but it's good for me." I sigh and walk with him not putting up a fight as I know it would be pointless. "So how did you know I was there." I asked Tsukauchi as he started to drive. "One of the people on the ambulance called the police and said that the Black Fox had called them and was holding a limp man in his arms. So naturally I stopped what I was doing and speeded over there to capture you." I sigh and lean back on the seet. "Fuck I have school tomorrow. Crraaapppp..." I groaned and I heard Tsukauchi chuckle. "How old are you anyway?" I looked out the window and answered truthfully because I had known about his quirk. "I'm 15 years old, and before you ask I attend U.A high." I say making Tsukauchi swerve the car a little bit before he pulls over and looks at me "WHAT!!!" He screams, now it's my turn to chuckle. "Yep I'm in class 1-A, also only one other person knows about me being a Vigilante, and no I will not give a name." He looks at me in understanding. So he starts driving back to the police station and pulls into the parking lot and proceeds to walk me into the police station. "Welp this will be an eventful evening."

Yay another chapter finished. It's literally 1:28 right now and I'm tired as fuck so I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight.

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