36 : Reunion

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Word count : 990

*No one pov*

Izuku, Shinsou, and Todoroki walked into the room and immediately Izuku paused and looked in the corner causing everyone to look at him in shock. "Hey Izu are you oka...." Todoroki started but paused as he saw what his boyfriend was looking at. "T-Touya?" Everyone finally got the memo and looked to the corner showing two people. "Hey Shoto. Hey Izu." Both boys started smiling widely as they ran and jumped on Dabi who caught them to everyone's surprise. "Izuuu!!!! Another figure ran and jumped on Dabi causing all four of them to fall to the ground with a small chuckle. "Hey Toga" Izuku responded with a fond smile. "We're finally out of that hell hole!!" Everyone was still looking at them in shock. "Was it really that bad there?!?! I mean your all villains surely you could handle yourselves?!" Kaminari yelled out causing Izuku and Dabi to glare at the blond boy. "I-I mean I'm glad you're out...hehe?" He nervously chuckled at the end and walked behind Kirishima who was standing tensely. "Ummm so are we not going to talk about how there's two villains in the room?" Mina spoke up and no one did anything. That is until the trio of former villains stood up with Todoroki and sat in a square of desks and started talking much to the confusions of the rest of the class. "Everyone stop being Idiots and stop staring at them, their humans too. They have feelings just like you and me." Shinso spoke up as he was walking to the back and everyone looked at him conflicted but eventually stopped staring and started talking amongst themselves again. "Finally, thanks Toshi." Izuku smiled at his brother who nodded to him and sat down next to Dabi. "So what's it like being in a hero school being former villains?" Izuku smirked at the two who sighed and smiled at him. "You're a former villain to Izu so you cant talk." Dabi smirked causing Izuku to laugh. "Your wrong, I'm a former Vigilante. Not a villain, there's a difference." Izuku smirked at Dabi's shocked face as he listened to his friend's laugh. "It's nice being able to laugh with you guys again." Toga smiled and hugged Izuku from the back causing the other boys to smile at them. "Agreed. I missed you guys, I'm just surprised that my mind blocked y'all out." Izuku spoke up with a frown present on his face. "It's ok Izu, I mean you remembered us so that's all I care about." Toga smiled and hugged him even harder causing her arm to wrap around his throat choking him a bit. "T-Toga..my....throat...tight" Izuku choked out and Toga let go with a small chuckle "Sorry Izu." She apologized and Izuku just chuckled and with a little rasp in his voice, he responded. "It's ok Toga, I'm used to it by now." 

*Izuku pov*

When Toga let go I gasped for breath and told her it was ok, but I knew that I was going to have the rasp for a while. "Anyway, It's almost time for class so I'm going back to my seat. I'll talk to you later guys. Bye sho." I smiled at them and walked to my dest knowing that Toshi was behind me. Right as I sat down Dad slammed open the door trying to catch someone standing. "Alright, today is a no-question day. So no questions and listen, your troubles are far from over." I could feel the tension in the room, everyone was probably thinking "More villains?!?" but that probably want the case. "What I'm talking about is the sports festival that's coming up." When Dad said that everyone basically groaned in relief. "Wait Aizawa-Sensei wouldn't that be irrational considering that we were just attacked by villains?!?" Mina stood up with her question and everyone nodded in agreement. "Ashido-san I understand your worry but we need to show that our class can't be weakened by a simple villain attack. We're heroes in training, you've got to get used to being attacked by villains on the wim. If you can't do that, you're not suited to be a Pro Hero." I spoke up and everyone looked at me. "Yamazawa isn't wrong, actually he was on point. It doesn't matter if we were just attacked, in the future you need to assume that's going to happen every day. It's just the life as a Pro, even if you go with the path of an underground hero like me, you still need to be cautious of that type of stuff. If you don't your as good as dead. But now that we've gotten that out of the way we also need to do something else that's just as important, if not even more so." Dad paused once more "I think it's going to be code names" I looked at the door expecting someone to burst in. "Today we're going to be choosing.." Dad was cut off as the door burst open showing the pro hero Midnight aka Nemuri Kayama. "CODE NAMES!!!!" Everyone except Dabi, Shinso, and myself to be scared out of our minds. "Yes as Midnight said, we will be choosing our code names today, and this is something that you should not take lightly. This is the thing you will be called for the rest of your lives, there was a hero who chose the name Captain Celebrity and regretted it for the rest of his life but he couldn't change it by the time he wanted to. Be careful when choosing the names. Midnight will be taking over this class because I'm no good at this type of stuff. Don't wake me up." Dad finally stopped and slid into his sleeping bag sliding onto the ground to sleep. "Lucky, I want to sleep." I looked at him with jealousy. "Alrighty, let's get this show on the rode! Whos first?"

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