3 : The Park

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Word count : 1000


*Dabi pov*

For the next few weeks me and Kurogiri had helped the kid bandage his wounds and cuts from Shigaraki. Exhaling I wrapped up the kids arm from a particularly nasty cut that went from his shoulder to the half way point of his elbow, "Hey Dabi, the Young master is with his Master, do you think you could take Izuku to the park so he can decompress and calm down?" Kurogiri suggested and I smiled at the both of them. "Do you want to Izu?" Kurogiri softly looked to Izuku who hesitantly nodded his head yes. We both smiled at him and finished bandaging him I helped him stand up and put him on my back. "Alright here we go." I smiled at Izuku's chuckle and walked out the door as well as being careful to not open any wounds. As soon as we reached the park I put Izuku down and allowed him to pick what he wanted to get on. "D-dabi c-can I go on t-the swings?" I smiled at him and grabbed his waiting hand and directed him to the swings helping him onto the shortest one. "How are you feeling?" I calmly asked and Izuku softly answered "I'm doing b-better thanks to you and Giri.." I smile at his voice getting calmer. After a little bit I asked him if he wanted to get Ice cream promising him that I would hold his hand the entire time considering is parents left him by saying they were going to get some Ice cream. Izuku nodded his head yes and I grabbed his hand as we walked down the street and got us both a Ice cream. I smiled at his content face and told him we were going back to the base.

(Time skip because I'm a lazy human being)

*Kurogiri pov*

When Dabi and Izuku got back they both had some Ice cream in there hand. I smiled at Izuku and gave the hand motion that told Dabi that the Young master was in his room. Dabi nodded and knelt down next to Izuku "Ok Izu, I'm going to need you to give me the rest of the Ice cream, Shigaraki is in his room and I don't want you to get hurt ok." Izuku nodded to Dabi with wide eyes, handed him the Ice cream and grabbed my hand as I directed him to his room. "It'll be ok Izu, the Young master isn't going to hurt you right now." I reassured him as I opened the door to his room and let him in. "Bye Giri." I smiled as him and closed the door. I walked back to the bar room with a blank face and saw the Young master and Dabi talking. "Are you sure you just don't want to fake your death and get out of that house?" The Young master asked Dabi while scratching his neck "Young master haven't I advised you to not scratch your neck? It will only do you harm." I walked behind the bar halting the conversation that was previously being held in between the two "Alright Dabi, isn't it about time that you should be going home?" I asked him as he had already been six hours and he needed to be home soon. Dabi groaned and nodded his left the room. I assumed he left to say good bye to Izuku so I made sure the Young master didn't leave the room until I felt the buzz on my phone telling me that Dabi had left. When the Buzz came I excused myself from the bar room and walked into the liquor cabinet to count and make sure non was missing. When I was sure no liquor was missing I left the room and back into the bar room to find the Young master was missing, I immediately thought of Izuku and went to his room to find him gone. "Looks like the Young master got to him." I groaned but collected my emotions and walked into the gym where Izuku and Young master were 'training' aka Izuku getting the crap beaten out of him. I grimiced at the sight of Izuku on the ground getting continuous kicks to the gut. This continued for a few minutes until Izuku stood up and surprisingly kicked the Young master in the side of the stomach. "Oh now you've done it brat!" The Young master had his hand shot out heading straight towards Izuku's head I knew what would happen if I didn't help so I created a warp gate in front of the hand and pointed it in a different direction so it wouldn't hit Izuku. After I did that the Young master flipped out into a temper tantrum screaming how I went against him and all of that. I calmed him down after a little bit and he just stormed off to his room. Sighed I walked over to Izuku "Izuku I'm so sorry, I didn't think he would do this today. Come here lets go clean you up." Izuku rushed over to me crying and hugged my torso tight. "It'll be ok"  I cleaned him up, and helped him clean his cloths so they wouldn't be bloody. "Alright I'll make you some soup so you can eat before bed. But go to the room for a little bit, I'll get you soon." Izuku nodded and walked to his room. I made his soup, he ate, and went to bed. After Izuku went I made the Young masters dinner and brought it to his room, knocking before entering his room and giving it to him. When he was don't I took his dirty dishes and wash them. "And all done, I guess its about time for me to go to bed right?" I smiled and walked into the hallway, said goodnight to Izuku and the Young master and went to my room excited to sleep.

Also my bad for all the P.O.V changes. It just worked better with the chapter.

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