4. A Night Out

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"Why do I even have to come?" I ask John sitting on my couch holding a sleeping Bella. "It'll be good for you, Milo said all you do is stay home" I don't even like Milo. "I'm your boss, I can't go out partying with you." He rolls his eyes. "We were your friends before you became our boss, and we aren't even going partying we're getting drinks." I sigh "I don't have anyone to watch Bella." "You're just making up excuses. Milo said your babysitter is home for spring break." How does he even know that? I suddenly wanted to go. "I'll meet you there" I tell him. He was confused but satisfied that I gave in. Once Penelope got there I left.

I've never been to the club they chose so I was thankful to find them sitting at the front. Milo and John weren't surprised to see me but Shawn was. "The boss is in" John says. I laugh as if I was here to have fun. I just want to talk Milo. He knew Ava. I remember he came over that one night and when he left Ava looked all shaken up. I'm not going to tell him that Ava's missing, but I want to see how much he knows. "I didn't know you were coming." Shawn says and I shrug. "I wasn't planning on it." I tell him and he nods. The only reason we haven't told John about Ava is because he's in the military. He leaves to back in two days for deployment anyway, it's not like he can be much help. After a few drinks John goes after some girl dancing. We all thought he was failing until she starts laughing and dancing on him. "Where's Bella?" Shawn asks me. "Babysitter" I answer watching Milo. The eye contact he kept with me made me feel like he was trying to challenge me. "How is the kid? I haven't seen her in a while." He asks me a question regarding my daughter. I don't like that he's actually even been in her presence before. "She's good" I tell him. "How's Ava?" He asks raising his eyebrow. Maybe I'm imagining things but it sounds like he was trying to tease me. "She's fine" I tell him fully sitting up in my chair. "How do you know her again?" I ask him and he smirks. I really hate this guy. "Just through Cedric. We were kind of... never mind." He says trying to hide his smirk. I lean on the table "No I want to hear... don't you Shawn?" "yeah I want to hear too." Shawn answers. "I don't want to mess up your marriage or anything but before you came back we were kind of a thing."  "So you guys were dating?" Shawn asks and he shakes his head no "Not exactly, she just wanted sex. She's a real freak you know." Shawn looks shocked. I wasn't going to let him win. "Oh trust me, I know." I say and his grin disappears. He takes a sip of his drink. "Well, I'm going to go dance." He says leaving the table. "Wow" Shawn says. "What?" "Do you believe him? I mean do you really think he and Ava were having sex?" I nod "before I came back yeah" it would make sense. There's no way anything about Cedric would've made her react the way she did that night Milo came over. "Is it true?"  "What?" "Is Ava a freak?" I smack the side of his head. "What? I just want to know." He says trying to defend himself. "She is" I tell him thinking about the last night I was with her. The best sex I've ever experienced was with her and it only really happened once. "Look at the girl Milo's dancing with." She looks just like Ava. She was just taller and has a slightly longer face. "You see it too right?" He asks and I nod. "What do you expect? I think they're obsessed with her." "They?" "Milo and Cedric, it's like they want her or something." I tell him. "I hate that Cedric guy" Shawn randomly says. "Why?" "He's just weird." Before I can respond two ladies walk up. "Alissa!" He says taking ones hand and kissing her. Shawn is a player. "Who is your friend?" the other girl asks. Since Shawn was busy with the girl whose name I was hoping was Alissa, I answer for myself. "I'm Jaxson" I tell her. She puts her hand on my chest. "Want to have some fun Jaxson?" I really didn't even want to be here why would I entertain her? "If I wanted to have fun I'd go play with daughter." I step off the chair. "I'm out for the night Shawn." I tell him and he holds his hand up still making out with the girl.

I find Penelope and Bella inside her room. Bella is in bed almost asleep and Penelope stands up. "Thanks for coming at such a late notice" I tell her "No problem, I'm always bored at home anyway" she says. "Are you going to stay here tonight? It's really dark out." I tell her. She shakes her head no. "I'm going to a friends house, he doesn't stay that far from here." She says checking her phone. "He?" I over exaggerate making her laugh. "Bye Jaxson!" "Bye, drive safe!" I yell after her. "Jaxson" Bella's tired voice says. "Yeah?" "You came back." "Always!" I answer and she smiles. "You gonna sleep in your bed tonight?" I ask her and she shakes her head no sitting up waiting for me to pick her up. After laying her down and changing in the bathroom I take my spot beside her. Ever since Ava has been gone she hasn't been wanting to sleep in her bed. "Goodnight daddy!" She says for the first time. Hearing her address me as her dad was never something I was urging for but it was one the best feelings. "Goodnight princess" I whisper back.

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