1. Six Months

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It's been six months. Six moths of taking care of Bella all alone. Six months of running my company all alone. Six months of Bella asking me when her mommy will be back from her business trip. Six months of me telling Bella that her mom will be home soon. Six months without contact from Ava. Six months trying to understand why Ava left. Six months of me trying to figure out what I did wrong to force her to leave us, to leave Bella.

"Do you think mommy misses me?" Bella asks sitting across from me in the diner booth. I nod my head "I know Ava misses you more than you could even imagine" I tell my daughter. She smiles "okay" her tiny voice says. The worse part about Ava leaving is having to reassure Bella that her mom still loves her and that she will come back eventually. Six months ago when I read the note Ava left I never expected her to be gone this long. I thought she'd be absent a week max. Once the one month mark hit I knew it wasn't a business trip keeping her away from her daughter. It was herself. Ava left on her own. Wherever she was, she was there willingly. At least that's what I hope.

Bella lets go of my hand as the elevator door in my company opens and she sees Shawn. The two of them had became instant best friends over the last six months. While I've had important meetings she's been with him. "SHAWNNN" she yells running to him. "BELLAAAA" he yells dropping to his knee and hugging her. I shake my head at the two children. They do this every time they see each other. No matter where we are that's their greeting. "Any word from her yet?" Shawn asks me carrying Bella into my office. I shake my head no. "Bella go play." I tell her and she
runs into the closet I had my employees turn into a play room for her. "Shawn I'm starting to get worried" "starting? you've been worried this whole time" he jokes. I give him a serious look. "What if she needs help or something?" I ask him. "I know I've been saying otherwise, but lately I've been thinking the same thing. Ava wouldn't voluntarily leave Bella for this long" he says. I nod "maybe her dad is making her stay wherever she is to work" I say. "Don't you think she'd at least call and check on Bella?" "What if she's not allowed to?" I ask him. "Maybe you shouldn't worry yourself about it. We both know Ava can handle anything. I'm sure wherever her dad has her working she's trying her hardest to come back home to Bella" I nod "you're right" "Stop worrying yourself. Just do your best to keep my little angle happy" he says pointing the closet before leaving my office. We have this same conversation at least once a month. Each time I stop worrying. This time is different. It doesn't feel right. She wouldn't leave Bella, not even for her own happiness. I've only known her for a short period but I knew she would never leave her daughter. I miss her so much and Bella misses her ten times more.

Bella runs out her playroom and sits on my lap. "Jaxson can I call you dad now?" she asks me. I didn't think she'd ever want to call me anything other than Jaxson, especially since she sees how bad Ava's father treated her. I smile at my daughter "only if you want to" I tell her and she nods and runs back into her playroom. I wonder what made her ask the question. I mean I'd love for her to call me dad but I'd rather her know that I love her and that I'll always protect her. I decide to do my daily routine of calling Ava's phone and leaving her a voicemail. "Ava, I don't know what to think anymore. I don't want to make a situation out of something that may not even be that big of a deal. But I know deep down you would never leave Bella like this. Not for this long. It's been six months Ava. If you're getting these I hope you know how much hell you're putting both Bell and I through. She asks about you everyday. We both miss you so much, a call back would be appreciated. Maybe you can't call back and if that's the case... I just hope it isn't." I say hanging up. I hate thinking that she could be any type of trouble. All day that's been going through my head. I know it could get her in trouble but I need to try and find her. I can't go on not knowing if she's okay.

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