28. Suspicious Activity

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Once I get to the prison I sit in the parking lot for at least 30 minutes.

He's a ruthless man, I have no other option if he doesn't write a statement. I can't let Ava face Milo.

I get out after realizing that visitation only last a few hours. The police pat me down and scan my license before I'm allowed to go back.

I sit at a table surrounded by many prisoners talking to their family members. I wait five minutes before Mr. Hudson walks out.

He looks around and his eyebrows raise when he sees me. He's almost as surprised that I'm here than I am.

He sits down across from me. "You seem surprised to see me." I tell him. "I-I was expecting someone else."

"You were expecting Ana?" I ask him and he smiles. "You've met her?" He asks me and I nod.

"That means Bella will have her aunt in her life." He tells me and I nod. I can't be rude when I'm about to ask him for something.

"I need your help." I tell him. "Does Bella need anything?" He asks me. His new founded concern for my daughter confuses me.

"Bella's fine, she'll always be fine" I tell him and he nods. "Okay, what's the problem?"

"I need you to write a statement saying that you gave Shawn and I permission to hack your work computers."

"Why?" "Without those emails Milo doesn't get charged for raping Ava." "How can that be possible?"

"He's claiming that it's only been Cedric. Can you write the statement?" I ask for a second time. "Yeah, I'll write it right now."

He signals a guard to come over and asks for a pen and a piece of paper.

"So you can't use the emails unless I say you had permission to get them?" He asks while writing the statement.

"Yeah!" I say looking around. He hands me the paper after two minutes of silence. "I hope this helps you." He tells me and I sit the paper down.

"I need your help with one more thing." I tell him and he nods. This is way easier than I expected.

"Do you know anything about Anas son?" I ask him. "She gave him up for adoption years back." He tells me.

"Yeah, but not exactly. She wants him back, she never meant for him to get taken away from her." I explain to him.

"He's living at this school, for gifted kids right now." He tells me instantly.

I expected he would keep tabs on her even when he wasn't the one raising her. "How do I get in contact with them?"

"In my home office there's a folder filled with information about Ana and her son, it's in the third drawer down."

"You have a whole file of information about Ana?" I ask in disbelief. "She's my daughter, I wanted to make sure she was surviving well."

Though the information is going to help a lot, it's still creepy. "Thank you for your help." I tell him and he nods.

"If you need anything else I'll be right here, I can't really leave." He tells me and I nod.
"Maybe I'll be back, but for now I have to get back to Bella."

"Thanks for helping both my daughters." He says stopping me from standing. "Well, I care for them both." I tell him.

"Thanks for making Ava happy for as long as you could." He tells me and I nod. "I have to go now." I fully stand from the table and grab the statement.

Once I get into the car I read over it.

Approximately nine months ago I suspected suspicious activity from Cedric Roberts, one of my employees at Hudson and Co. Around the same time Jaxson received similar feelings with his employee Milo so I gave him permission to hack the computers in my company to find out as much as possible about what the two were hiding. We discovered the many unspeakable and cruel acts the two were performing on my daughter, Jaxsons wife, Ava Hudson. It would be a mistake to not charge Milo for the crimes he has committed.
     - Austin Hudson of Hudson and Co'.

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