15. Good over Bad

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It's been two weeks since I first bought Bella here to see her mom. We've came here everyday with high hopes of Ava waking up. The first week Bella didn't go to school at all. Then I got a call about her attendence and I had to start taking her again if I wanted her to stay enrolled at the school so now she stays there a full school day and I pick her up at 3 without her going to the daycare.

Bella makes it very clear that she wants to see her mom everyday. She's already happier knowing Ava didn't leave her forever. "Do you have homework?" I ask her and she nods handing me her small bookbag. I take out her homework folder and she hops up on Avas hospital bed.

"I don't know how to do it" she tells me. "Bella you can count to 30. All you have to do is count to ten." I say looking at the homework. "I can do it on my fingers, but I don't know how to do it on paper." "Oh, you don't know how to write it?" I ask her and she nods. "Yeah I don't know how to write it." She repeats after me. She learns from hearing what others say, that's why Shawn and I have to be careful about what we say around her.

Within three hours Bella knew how to write all numbers from one through fifteen. "Mr. Anderson" one of Avas doctors says walking in the room. "Oh hi Bella." "Hi doctor Elliot" she says still paying attention to the new numbers she had learned how to write. "May I speak with you in the hall?" he asks me and I instantly know it's something serious. I leave Bella in the room to keep practincing her numbers and meet him outside the door.

He goes to start talking but doesn't form a sentence. He looks pass me and right at Tony. That makes me even more nervous. "You can go on a lunch break" I tell Tony and he gets the hint and walks away. "What's up?" I ask him. "We got Avas blood test results from Italy yesterday" he says and I nod.

"Okay, so what does that mean?" I ask him waiting for the bad news. "It shows that she's pregnant." I freeze for a second before laughing. "They must've sent the wrong persons test. Ava isn't pregnant." He shakes his head no. "We decided to do one for ourselves and it shows that she is."

That's not even posible. "She's so small, she doesn't even look pregnant." I tell him. "She was starved, there was no weight for her to gain." He reminds me. "Yeah but she's in a coma, there's no way a baby could survive."

My problem wasn't her being pregnant, it was her possibly being prgnant by the person that raped her. How will she take the news? "A coma is just a state of unconciousness, it's not like she's brain dead. I know it's not the most flattering thing hearing your wife is pregnant by the person that did this to her, but you're over her. We need approval to start treatment to help the baby."

I just nod my head. If there is any way they can save Avas' child I want them to at least try. It's still her baby. "How far along is she?" I ask him. "Well their test says six minths and since she's been her for a month I would say she's around seven months."

That's even worse. That means she got pregnant when she first got there. She had to go through so much during her whole pregnancy. "Will the treatment slow down Avas' recovery?" I ask him and he shakes his head no. "It could speed it up a little" he says.

Before I can ask how, Bella comes running out the room. "MOMMY" she says yelling. "COME ON, MOMMY" She says pulling me back into the room. "Bella what's wrong?" I ask her. Ava was in the same position she was in before I left out the door .

Her doctor is standing right behind me. "Look" she says and I watch Ava for a few seconds. Nothing happens! Maybe I shouldn't have her here as much. "Bella baby, there's nothing happening" I tell her. "Do it again mommy, please." She begs and I just watch.

Ava brings her finger up the slightest bit and then drops it back down. My eyes widen. I haven't seen her move anything in so long. Her doctor gently pushes me out the way and gets closer. "If you can hear me tap twice" he says.

It takes her a while but she does it. I can't help but get excited. I feel relieved. She was going to be okay. The doctors in Italy told me that movement was a sign of recovery. She's slowly waking up from her coma.

"Does anything hurt?" He asks pressing the nurse call button. "Tap once for no and twice for yes." She taps twice and he starts listing things that could possibly be hurting her. She said yes to her head, her back, and her stomach. "I'm going to go get some nurses to bring her an IV with pain medicine, keep talking to her."

I move closer to her and Bella hops onto the bed again, forgetting all about her homework. "You still here Ava?" I ask her and she taps twice. "Mommy I miss you!" Bella tells her and Ava responds by tapping her finger a few times.

"Can you move anything else?" I ask her and she taps her finger once telling me no. "It's okay, you'll be up soon."  "Mommy when are you coming home?" Bell asks. "Only yes or no questions" I tell our daughter. "Mommy can I get a horse?" Bella asks and Ava says no by tapping her finger once. "See even mommy says no" I tell Bella laughing at her pout. Nurses pile into the room asking us to step into the hall. I do as I'm told as long as it was helping Ava. I don't know how to feel. It's hard to be truly happy knowing Ava's going to have to wake up and deal with being pregnant by one of the people who put her through hell. But it was also hard being completely sad when Ava  is going to recover, she can finally get her life back once she wakes up. We'll finally be whole again. I look at how happy Bella is knowing her mom was waking up and smile. It's just one of those moments where you have to take the good over the bad.

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