16. Closure

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"Can we get a cake for mommys birthday?" Bella asks me as we walk to her classroom. "When is her birthday?" I ask. "October" she says and I nod.

Today was Ocotber 1st. I need to figure out when Avas birthday is. I know I wrote it down a few times for hospital paper work after I found all of her papers and her birth certificate but I don't remeber.

"Okay, see you later daddy!" She says before giving me a hug and running into her classroom. She barley left time for me to tell her goodbye. She is always eager to go to school, but I know when she gets older and it gets more serious she would hate it.

I decide to stop by the office since it had been at least a month since I last went there. I've been working from home ever since I bought Ava back from Italy. "You never tell me when you're coming in. What if I was slacking?" Shawn asks following me into my office.

"Then you'd get fired." I tell him knowing I'd never fire him. "Yeah right!" I sit down at my desk and and he sits across from me. "You don't have any meetings today." He tells me and I nod.

"How are the numbers doing?" I ask him referring to us being bankrupt. He grins "let me show you." He says coming behind my desk and typing on the computer. He pulls up a chart and it shows that we passed our goal and are no longer bankrupt.

"Hell yeah!" I say high fiving him. Other than what Avas doctor told me, this week has been full of good news. "So why'd you come by today?" He asks me sitting back down.

"I need to talk to you" I tell him. "Come on, don't fire me on the day we beat bankruptcy." He jokes and I laugh. "It's not that, but it's serious though" "Okay, what?" "Avas' doctor told me that she was pregnant." I say catching him off guard.

"How's that possible? I mean she doesn't look pregnant." "He said it's because they starved her and she had no weight to gain." I explain to him just how her doctor did to me.

I watch as he looks confused processing what I told him. "So now you have two kids?" He asks me. I don't know how he came up with that. "It's not my baby, it's either Cedrics or Milo." I remind him.

"It's going to be your baby Jaxson. You're Avas' husband, and you love her. You have to help her raise the kid." He tells me. I never thought about the situation like that. "Honestly, all I've been thinking about is how she'll react when she finds out." I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"Ava will love her child regardless of how it was made. She loves Bella doesn't she?" Those are two different situations. "Yeah, but I didn't force Ava to have sex with me to make Bella."

"You may not have forced her but she was definitely forced. Yet she loves the hell out of Bella regardless." He's right, Ava was forced to have Bella and that didn't affect how she felt about our daughter. "You're right" I tell him.

"Just like you. You didn't want a child and now you have one and there's no way you'd ever live life without her. You're going to have to do the same with Avas' baby because it'll be Bellas' sibling and Ava's baby and you love the both of them too much to neglect an innocent baby." He tells me already knowing my feelings. I nod, I will never neglect Avas baby.

The front desk receptionist beeps in on the phone. "You have a call on line 4 sir, they say it's important." She tells me and I pick up fast thinking there could be something wrong with either of the two people who mean the world to me.

"Hello?" "This is Austin Hudson. Just calling to tell you Cedric is hiding out at Milos house." h
He says before the line goes dead. I takes me a few seconds to understand.

Avas dad was calling me, to snitch on the guy he allowed to hurt his daughter. "Come on!" I say to Shawn grabbing my keys and phone. "Where are we going?" He asks as I walk outside.

"Milos house, you're driving." I throw him the keys. I don't even know where Milo lives. "Why?" He asks getting inside my car. "Her dad said he was hiding out there."

"You believe him?" he asks and I nod. "The last time I saw him you could tell guilt was piling up on top of him. He didn't know what they were doing to her." I tell him.

We pull up to a house almost as big as mine. "How can he afford this? We don't pay him that much." I tell Shawn walking up the stairs. "Milos family is rich. They're just making him work so he can get his trust fund." He tells me.

Shawn pushes the door open as I go to knock. "Milo's in jail, we're here to find Cedric. Why would you knock?" He asks me and I shrug.

"YOU KNEW WE HAD HER!" Someone screams from upstairs. Shawn and I look at each other before running their way.

Avas' dad is aiming a gun at Cedric. "Oh thank god!" Cedric says looking at Shawn and I. "We're not helping you." Shawn answers before I do.

"The police are already on the way, just please." Cedric begs us. I don't  know if I should help him or not. "You'll be dead before they get here." Mr. Hudson says. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and jeans, a big change from him usual black suites.

"You're mad at me when you did the exact same thing to her. You think I didn't hear you beating her?" Cedric asks Mr. Hudson. "YOU RAPED MY DAUGHTER!" He yells while squeezing the gun.

I don't want to witness anyone get killed. I walk up to Mr. Hudson cautiously aware of the gun he has in his hands. "If you kill him you'll be in jail with Milo." I tell him. "Good, then I can kill him." He answers, getting the wrong idea.

"What will that help? What's done is done." I tell him. The second he looks away, Cedric makes a run from the stairs. Shawn beats him to them and pushes him back. "Come on man move." He says trying to get pass Shawn.

"You're not getting away with what you did." I tell him. He looks scared, but not half as scared as I imagine Ava was. Mr. Hudson points his gun back at Cedric. "I'm not even the one who killed her, Milo did." "She's dead?" Her dads voice breaks.

Within five seconds his gun goes off twice and Cedric falls to ground. All I could hear was Shawn scream "NO" followed by police sirens. I walk over to Cedric as my heart's racing. There is no doubt he's dead.

He's not breathing and he has a bullet wound in his chest and stomach. Mr. Hudson falls to the ground and sobs with the gun still in his hand. I haven't seen any man his age cry since my mom died.

Cops fill the room going to either Cedrics body or Mr. Hudson who held both of his hands up while still holding the gun. Shawn and I were pushed down stairs and out the house while the paramedics try and revive Cedric.

Deep down I hope it's not possible. "Let's go!" Shawn says walking to my car and driving. "What the hell happened?" I ask him once we're a block away from the scene.

"He murdered Cedric" Shawn says. "They're going to put him in jail." That's what he wanted. "Everyone who has ever hurt Ava is getting what they deserve." Shawn adds and we both go silent.

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