12. Come back

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I spent three weeks in Italy with Ava in the hospital. Two of those weeks I didn't speak to Bella at all. I couldn't do it. I didn't know how I would tell her that her mom was in a coma. I didn't realize how much me not calling and talking to her was hurting her until Shawn called and told me she asked him why everyone leaves her. She thought I was abandoning her, again.

Here I am now getting off the plane from Italy. I get in the car I had waiting for me and go straight to the hospital. I had Ava moved to a hospital closer to home that way I could be closer to her while taking care of Bella. Plus she'll get better help here. Both me and the guards beat the helicopter flying Ava in. "Mr. Anderson?" one of the two guards say approaching me. "Tony and Daniel?" I ask and they nod. "We've been trying to find the room but they say she isn't here yet?" Tony questions me trying to figure out if the hospital is wrong. "Yeah, they should be here in about 15 minutes"

I don't see how we could beat them here. Her helicopter left 20 minutes before I even boarded my plane. "So tell us what we're working with. I mean why are we guarding her?" Daniel asks. I gesture for them to follow me and we walk into the room they told me they'd be bringing Ava in. "One of the guys that did this to her is still on the run. The other one is in jail, but knowing him he'll probably be out on bail soon" I say. Cedric has been on the run since I found Ava and Milo at the sketchy hotel in Italy. Daniel nods "We're going to need pictures of both men and a list of people who are allowed to come in" Tony says. "I'll get you guys all of that when I come back. I have to leave as soon as they bring her in" I tell them.

I miss Bella more than anything. "If you guys don't mind I need this to be private. Ava has an audience and if anything gets out her safety and her company could be at risk." I tell them. "Are the police involved?" Tony asks me "yeah" I tell them. It was their idea that I hire guards to stand outside of Avas' room. "Aren't you afraid of them leaking information the press?" Daniel asks and I shake my head no. "It's crazy the things money can buy" I've spent $40,000 in donations so far to keep the police silent.

Three doctors  roll Ava in on the stretcher before lifting and placing her on the new hospital bed. Two hook her up to the new machines while the other asks me questions trying to make sure they have the right information. Both Daniel and Tony step out and take their places once the doctors leave. I go over to Ava and just look at her.

The bruises on her face that she got prior to that day were healing. They were still visible but they were healing. She just lays there so peaceful as if she was only sleeping. But the sad truth is that she isn't. The doctors aren't even sure she'll wake up. I rest my hand on the side of her face. "You have to get through this Ava. Me and Bella need you to come back home. We both miss and love you so much."

The doctors in Italy told me that often their patients wake up from comas and tell them they could hear everything. I hope it's the same with Ava, she deserves to know that she's loved and that she can't give up. I lean down and kiss her cheek before leaving her with the protection of Daniel and Tony.

"When did you start smoking?" I ask Shawn getting out my car and meeting him on his front porch. "Since you left me with Bella for 3 weeks. God, kids are a lot." he says and I laugh. "She's not even that bad." I say defending my daughter. "She has the energy of a wild animal." "Where is she?" I ask him ready to see my daughter. "She's asleep in the downstairs room." He tells me and I nod going to find her.

I find her asleep balled up in a ball. She usually sleeps spread across the bed so I knew this was affecting her. I shake her a couple of time "Hey, Princess...wake up" I say and she just groans. I laugh before picking her up and sitting her on my lap. "Bella, wake up" I say shaking her a little. She blinks her eyes a few times "Hi daddy!" she says laying her head on my chest. "Hi princess!" I say back. She gasps and jumps up giving me a hug and I laugh. "You came back!" She says with an adorable cheerful voice. "Always" I tell her.

"Daddy I missed you." She tells me. I give her a kiss on the cheek. "I missed you more princess. Want to go get breakfast?" I ask her pulling back from the hug. She smiles and nods. "Can Shawn come too?" She asks me walking down the hall. "Only if he pays." "I heard that" Shawn
yells from the living room. "Do you want to come get breakfast with us?" Bella asks him. "Maybe next time bestie. I think I'm going to go get some great sleep knowing I'm not in charge of someone else's life." He tells her and I roll my eyes. "But it's morning" she tells him. "That's the best time to sleep." He says giving her a hug. "See you guys later." He tells us heading upstairs.

I take Bella to our usual diner and order us both a large stack of pancakes, eggs, and orange juice. "Did you have fun with Shawn?" I ask her and she nods her head. "Yeah we rode horses." She tells me.  "I know, did you like it?" I ask her. Shawn sent me pictures of her riding the small horses when he took her to visit his families ranch. She nods "I want a horse."  "Bella that's a big animal, you can barley take care of Issy" I tell her and she gasps. "What?" I ask her. "I left Issy at Shawns' house." She says and I laugh. "You can get a horse when you remember your puppy." I tell her messaging Shawn that we'll come and get Issy after breakfast.

"Do you think mommy still misses me?" She asks struggling to cut her pancakes. Now that I know where Ava is I don't mind the questions. "I know one hundred percent that your mom misses and loves you very much." I tell her and she smiles big. "I can't wait for her to come home" she says thinking about Ava. "Me too!" I tell her. I just hope Ava will come back.

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