20. Visitors

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Ava and I stay up the rest of the night talking about the last six months. "I'm happy Bella has you." Ava says and I smile.

"I'm happy I have both of you guys. My dad was the only family I had. It's kind of funny actually. It's like he blessed me with my own family before he passed away." I tell Ava as we lay across the hospital couch.

She doesn't want to get back in her bed. "Now we have the most adorable baby boy." I add and she frowns.

"I wish I could see him." I didn't realize that Ava hasn't seen her own son yet. "I'll ask Dr. Elliot if we can get you to go see him in the morning." I tell her and she smiles before yawning.

"You sure you don't want to get back in your bed?" I ask her and she shakes her head no. "I want to sleep here, with you." She says and I nod. I kiss her forehead before telling her goodnight and we both easily find sleep with her safe in my arms.

I wake up hearing Bella laughing. "Bella, what are you doing?" I ask her keeping my eyes close. She just continues to laugh and I let her play with whatever toys she bought in here.

I feel movement under me and hear a small groan and open my eyes. I completely forgot we were at the hospital. Ava was moving around a little bit but she was still asleep.

For some reason my first thought was Bella not eating anything last night. "Bella, are you hungry?" I ask her. She ignores me while silently giggling.

I slowly lift myself up without waking Ava and see Shawn holding Bella with his finger in front of his mouth.

"Why do you feel the need to always do that?" I ask him while getting fully off the couch. "In my defense I tried to wake you up." He says and Bella laughs. "Are you hungry?" I ask her and she nods.

"Did you go feed Issy?" I ask Shawn. Last night I asked him to go over to my house and feed the dog in the morning.

"I did and she bit me." I roll my eyes at him. "Issy doesn't bite anyone." I tell him as I lift Ava up from the couch. I walk her over to her hospital bed where she will be more comfortable.

Shawn stares at her for a few seconds before smiling. "She looks more like herself now than those pictures we saw." I smile along with him. "I'm happy she's okay." I say and he nods.

"Okay, lets go downstairs and get some food." I say taking Bella out his arms. On our way down the to the cafe Bella starts asking questions about her baby brother.

"Daddy, when he gets better can I go visit him?" She ask me and I nod. "Wait, she had the baby?" Shawn says stopping in his tracks.

"Oh, yeah two days ago." I tell him as he looks down confused. "You don't tell me anything anymore. I didn't even know she was awake until last night."

He starts walking again. "Yeah sorry, it has been really chaotic lately." I explain to him and he nods. "I would assume it is."

I put Bella down and let her run ahead of us. "What's so important?" I ask him. "Rob said they're going to decide if Milo gets bail or not."

"Why is that even an option, He tried to kill her ." There's no way possible I'm letting him get away with this. Even if he has to end up like Cedric.

Shawn only shrugs. "I don't know but you might want to watch out for Ava." I'm going to have to call her guards back on the job.

"What about her dad?" "I don't know anything about him yet. He still thinks Ava is dead." I'll talk to Ava about him tonight.

After getting subs for the three of us and going back to the hospital room I call Daniel. "Hey, I know you guys were excited to be done but I think i'm going to need you for a few more weeks."

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