26. Evidence

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I wake up early enough to tell the guards that I have an important meeting and won't be here. I hate that I have to leave knowing Milo is walking around free, but it involves the trial.

Shawn, Ana, and Bella arrive before Ava wakes up. "I need to go home and change before I go." I tell Shawn and he nods.

He decides to come with me, even though I would feel a lot better if he were here to stay with Ava. "Daddy, when you come back can we get ice cream?" Bella asks me and I nod.

She gives me a hug and I kiss her cheek. "See you later princess. Bye Ana!" I tell them. Once we leave I go straight to my house and shower and put on a suite.

"I feel under dressed." Shawn says and I laugh. "Maybe I'm over dressed." I say looking over my clothes and Shawn nods his head. "Yeah lose the jacket." He tells me, I listen!

"How are things with Ana going?" I ask him on the ride to the law firm. "There are no "things", she's just a nice girl. I enjoy her company."

"Shawn... she didn't have on pants." I reason with him and he laughs. "She really didn't." He says smiling at the memory.

"Why would she not have pants on?" I keep going. "Okay so we've had sex a few times, that's nothing new." Shawn says and I regret asking.

"So you don't have feelings for her?" I ask him and he shakes his head no. "No, we're seriously just friends."

"You want to know what I've noticed?" I ask and Shawn rolls his eyes. "What have you noticed Jaxson?"

"You've stopped saying Ava was your wife and all the jokes that go along with it, especially since Ana has been around."

He sucks his teeth. "I didn't do that because of Ana. I stopped because you obviously started to love her and I would never disrespect you like that." He tells me.

There's no one in this world I trust more than Shawn. Although his jokes have never bothered me, I appreciate it. "Thank you, I really do appreciate that." I tell him.

"Of course, now I'd appreciate if you would stop asking me about Ana." He tells me and I nod. "I'm sorry, I won't speak on it again, unless you want to talk about her." I add the end smirking.

We pull up to the law firm and wait outside for a few minutes. "Why do you look so nervous?" "You said so yourself, Milo has family in high places. I can't let him go free after all he's done to Ava."

"He won't go free." Shawn says and I shake my head. "You and I both know there's a possibility. She's literally scared she's going to have to face him again."

"We won't let him go free." Shawn says opening the door and getting out. I follow after him as he enters the building.

We go straight to Matthews office and have a seat. "Here's the problem, they're saying there's no proof."

The meeting already starts with bullshit. "She was in a coma, what proof do they need?" I ask him. "They have proof of attempt of murder, that's all."

"What about the kidnapping and rape charges?" "There's no proof, Milo made a statement saying she went with them willingly."

Ava told me how they got her to leave. She was scared for Bellas safety. "I can get our security camera footage of them holding her at gun point."

Matthew nods and flips through some papers. "Good, good! What about the rape charges?" He asks me. "She has a whole baby now."

"His statement said only Cedric touched her. We're going to need her to testify in court." "Not happening!" I'm not going to let that happen.

"There's no other option." "What about the emails?" Shawn speaks for the first time. My eyes widen.

"I gave you all the emails, how is that not proof enough." "You obtained those emails illegally, unless you have a statement from the owner saying you were given permission, we can't use it."

"So I get a statement from Ava." I say and Matthew shakes his head no. "If she was held against her will without contact, there's no way she could've given you permission. That would ruin your case."

"You're going to have to get it from her dad." Shawn tells me. "Is there no other option?" I ask Matthew. "The only other option is for her to testify."

There's no way in hell I'll ever let her face him. Not after what she told me. "I'll just go visit him." "Will she be attending our next meeting?"

"Maybe, I just want her to get better and stressing over this trial isn't going to benefit her." I tell my lawyer and he nods.

"Okay well the sooner you get that footage and the statement back to me the sooner it could all be over."

As soon as we are done we pick up ice cream and went back to the hospital. It makes me satisfied seeing the guards I met in their places scattered around the hospital.

Knowing that Ava is safe takes a huge load off my back. "Daddy!" My princess cheers as I enter the room.

I hand her an ice cream cone and she takes her seat beside Ana. "Shit, we forgot one for you Ava." Shawn says disappointed.

"Ava doesn't like ice cream." I answer for her. I remember because after she told me I asked her "What human doesn't like ice cream?"

Shawn goes to hand one to Ana and she shakes her head no. "I don't like ice cream either, it hurts my teeth." She tells him and his jaw drops.

"Mine too!" Ava says giving a bigger reaction then when she found out she had a twin. "We get that from our mom, she still liked to eat ice cream though."

"What was she like?" Ava asks her and Ana smiles. "She was the best, she always made sure I was happy. But she did have her flaws."

"Like what?" Ava asks as Shawn sits beside Ana. "We went through some hard times and instead of letting me get a job she gave my son up for adoption."

Her entire mood changes and she frowns. "When I was 14 I had a baby, she gave him up when I was 15." She tells me.

"Wow, I'm really sorry." Ava tells her sister. "It was alright for awhile. I got to visit him for 6 years. He was still in foster care. When I turned 21 and started living on my own I went to get him back and before the process was complete he was gone."

"Gone?" I ask her and she nods. "Maybe he got adopted. They said they aren't allowed to discuss his whereabouts with me." She starts to cry. Shawn wraps an arm around her.

"Maybe we can help you look for him." Ava tells her sister. "Mom made me promise to stop looking for him before she died, she said she wants me to live my life. But I can't stop looking for him."

"You don't have to, we'll help you find him." Shawn tells her. "You guys are all extremely nice, but I've been looking for him for four years straight."

"Extra help won't hurt." I tell her and she smiles. "Thanks you guys!"

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