14. Surprise Visits

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I wake up to heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. "Bella, don't run on the stairs." I yell feeling exhausted. "Is this what you do all day?" The deep voice asks, causing me to jump up. Mr. Hudson was standing in the doorway holding a terrified Bella. My first instinct is to take my daughter out of his arms. "What are you doing in my house?" I ask with a threatening tone. Out of all people, he was for sure not welcomed here.

"This is my daughters house too." He speaks so calmly. It's like he came here just to taunt me. I push pass him and go down the stairs. "You need to leave now!" He follows closely behind me mumbling about how he's not leaving. "You okay?" I ask Bella as she clings tightly onto me and she nods. No one should have the power to make her feel this afraid, especially if I'm around.

"You need to leave." I repeat myself. "Not until you tell me where my daughter is." He says crossing his arms. "Go upstairs Bella." I tell her and she grasps tighter onto my shirt. "It's okay" I tell her and she nods. "Bye Isabella!" "Don't talk to her." I warn him and he rolls his eyes.

She runs up the stairs happy to be away from him. "That's that childs problem, you and Ava spoil her. That's why she's like this. If she was raised how I raised Ava, she wouldn't act like that." I hate this man so much. "You mean how you abused Ava." I correct him. "She turned out fine didn't she?" "No thanks to you. Now leave!"

"What'd you do with my daughter?" He asks and for some reason he sounds truely concerned. "You have some nerve coming here acting like you care about Ava. After all that shit you put her through? You're lucky I don't call the cops on your ass right now. What makes all of this worse is you knew what they were doing to her and not once did you try to help her." The more I think about it the morse pissed off I get.

"As long as she kept your company up and running you were fine. You let those bitches repeatedly rape her. What kind of father are you? No what type of man does that?" They all deserve a death sentence.

"I-I didn't know that." "That's bullshit, what'd you think they were doing to her?" I was almost yelling. "Just tell me if she's alive." He says giving up the whole tough guy act. I have no sympathy for this sorry excuse of a man. "Get out of my house. I have no problem dragging you out." I tell him. He sighs before walking out.

As soon as he pulls out the gate I run upstairs to find Bella. She was sitting on the floor of a bathroom all the way at the end of the hallway. She still looks scared. "You okay?" I ask her and she nods. "It's okay, he's gone." "Okay" she says. "Did you open the door for him?" I ask and she nods her head. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

I can't even be mad at her, not when she's like this. I can only imagine how scared she was. "It's okay princess. This is why I told you not to open the door. You don't know who could be out there." I can tell she learned her lesson. I pick her up from the bathroom floor. "Lets go get dressed." I tell her. "I don't want to go to school today" she says sitting inside the bath. "You aren't, you can come with me today." I tell her and she smiles.

"Where are we going?" she asks while I dry her off. "We're going to go see mommy!" I tell her and her eyes widen. After last night I think it'll be better for Bella to see that Ava hasn't abandoned her. I try my best to explain Avas situation while she puts her clothes on.

"Mommy got hurt by some really bad guys." I tell her. "Is she okay?" Bella asks me and I nod. "But she's really hurt. She's in the hospital. Do you know what a coma is Bella?" I ask the dunb question. Of course she doesn't, she's only four. She shakes her head no.

"Mommy is in a coma. It means she's asleep. She can't move or talk but she can hear you. We have to go talk to her everyday so she can feel better and wake up to come home." "Okay!" I wouldn't be taking Bella if I knew there was a chance Ava wouldn't be waking up, but her doctor called last night and said she was responding well to the medicine. The only problem is that he doesn't know how long it will take.

We stop by the hospital caferteria where Shawn was waiting for us and grab breakfast. Bella was extremely quiet. "You ready?" I ask her walking out the elevator. She holds both her arms up inidcating that she wants me to pick her up. I hand Shawn the breakfeast and lift her.

"Hey Daniel" I tell the guard. "Hey, have you made the list yet?" He asks and I shake my head no. "It totally slipped my mind. I'll make it while I'm here."  I tell him before walking in with Shawn following me. 

I stand over Ava holding my daughter watching her look over Ava. She was scared for a few seconds and then she smiles. "Daddy, do you comas last long?" She asks me and I smile at her. "Sometimes, that's why we have to help mommy feel better." I tell her and she nods.

I sit her down on the bed and she grabs her moms hand. "Hi mommy!" she says. I go to remind her that Ava can't talk back but she continues. "Mommy I missed you. I hope you feel better so you can come back home with me and daddy. He doesn't make good breakfeast like you but he's still nice." She tells her. I was too proud of her to be offended by her insult.
She goes on to tell Ava a lot about what has happened these past few months.

I notice how Shawn just stares at Ava. "Why are you so quiet?" I ask him. Anyone who knows Shawn knows he always has something to say. He shrugs "I guess it's just really hard to see her like this. I'm used to seeing her so happy and full of life. She looks so drained." I understand what he means.

"I went 49 minutes not even knowing if she was even alive." I tell him as we both sit back and watch Bella talk to her mom. I remeber the night so vividly after I trapped Milo inside the room they kept Ava in for half a year. I took her downstairs and tried so hard to wake her up. I was sure she was dead.  She even looked dead.

Her skin was a weird green color and she was covered in blood from Milo banging her head into the wall repeatedly. "That must've been awful." He says and I nod. "It was the worse experience of my life." I admit to him. "I'd love to lay hands on those two."  "I agree!" I tell him.

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