24. Broken Spirit

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~One week later~

I hear my phone ring from the night stand beside my bed. I don't even bother to check the number before answering. "Hello?" I say not even bothering to open my eyes.

"Hey, Jaxson!" The voice on the other side of the phone alarms me. I check the caller ID before responding. "Hey Matthew, what's up?" I say to my lawyer.

"Just calling to give you a heads up, Milo Reed was just released on bail." He says and I finally open my eyes. "How?" I ask and Matthew sighs.

"Turns out he has family in really high places." My lawyer answers. I get up and put a shirt on, leaving Bella asleep in bed. "Okay, well I'm
going to head down to the hospital." Just in case Milo knows anything.

"Okay, I'll get more information on his trial later in the morning." He tells me and we end our call. Seconds later Shawn calls. "Jaxson,
you gotta wake up."

"I'm up, my lawyer already called me." I say already knowing Shawn was calling to warn me. "I can't believe they let him leave when he has an attempt of murder charge."

"I know man. There's no way they won't find him guilty though." I tell Shawn as I put my shoes on. "Yeah, you're right! Do you think he knows where Ava is?" Shawn asks me.

"I don't know, but I'm not taking any chances so I'm going to head up there right now. Can I drop Bella off at your place? She's already fast asleep."

It's only 2:30 in the morning. "Yeah, I'll be waiting." Shawn says and I thank him. I pack Bella a bag of clothes, for when she wakes up, then I put her inside the car.

"Daddy, where we going?" Bellas sleepy voice asks from the back seat. "Mommy doesn't feel good, so I'm going to go to sit with her and Shawn is going to take you to school."

"Okay, you pick me up when it's over?" She asks and I nod my head. "Yes princess, now go back to sleep." I tell her.

I takes two minutes for someone to answer me knocking on Shawns door with a sleeping Bell in my arms. My eyes widen when it's Ana, wearing only one of Shawns button up white shirts.

"Umm, hi!" I tell her and she laughs "Hi Jaxson!" "I thought you didn't get back til later today." I tell her. "I came a day early."  She says closing the door.

"I told you to stay in the back." Shawn tells her as he walks downstairs. "You were taking too long and it's cold out there." She tells him.

"Yeah Shawn, it's cold out there." I tell him and he rolls his eyes. "Ana, you don't have pants on." He smirks and her face goes red. "Bye Jaxson!" She waves before walking into another room.

Shawn comes and takes Bella out of my arms. "I didn't know you were busy." I tell him. "Man, shut up!" He says and I laugh. I hand him Bellas bag of clothes.

"She already had a bath she only needs to get dressed and be dropped off at school." I tell him and he nods. "Okay, did you put my name on the pick up list this time?" He asks me and I nod.

"Yup, you're Uncle Shawn. You now have the right to pick her up and take her to school without having the police on you." "Good!"

Once I arrive at the hospital I see Daniel downstairs. "Hey, what's going on?" I ask him. "Tony and I just switched. I'm heading out now." I nod "Okay, I'll call you later." I tell him and he nods.

I go upstairs and inform Tony. "Milo got released on bail." I tell him. "Wow, well you have nothing to worry about. Daniel and I can handle it." He tells me and I shake his hand.

I slide Avas door open and close it back as I walk in. It's extremely dark in here. "Jaxson?" Ava asks sitting up in bed. I guess I closed the door too hard.

I walk over to her hospital bed. "Hey!"
I tell her. "What's wrong? Where's Bella?" She asks worried.

I place my hand on the side of her face. "Bella's fine, she's sleeping over at Shawns." I tell her. "Why are you here this early?"

You can tell by the sound of her voice that she's tired. "I couldn't sleep, so I came here." I lie to her. I don't want her to worry about anything.

I'll just let her know later today after she's fully awake. "Lay with me." She says scooting over in her hospital bed. I take my shoes off and do as I'm told.

She kisses me on the cheek before laying down. I wrap my arms around her satisfied knowing that she's safe.

My son crying is what wakes me. They bring him in every morning and take him to the nursery every night.

"Shh, it's okay baby." I hear Ava tell him from beside me. She's been walking on her own this entire week. I'm sure she'll be released soon.

However, Avery still has a small fever and minor lung issues. I'm not sure when he'll be able to leave.

I sit up and look at our baby. "Hi buddy!" I say to him and Ava smiles. "He looks more like you everyday." I tell her and her smile increases.

"That means he's getting better." She says and I nod. She hands me Avery and goes to the bathroom. I play with our son until she comes back out.

"You lied to me last night." She says and I look at her confused. "I know something's wrong." She tells me crossing her arms.

"There's nothing wrong." I just don't want her to be worried. "Why are both of them here?" She asks me pointing at both Daniel and Tony.

I shrug my shoulders. I honestly don't know myself. "Jaxson please tell me what's going on." She practically begs.

"Milo made bail, I just want to make sure you're okay." I tell her. "Bail?" She asks in disbelief and I nod.

"But how?" I watch as her entire spirit breaks. I place Avery inside his basket and go up to her. "He won't hurt you again Ava." I promise her.
She nods and I hug her.

"Do you think he knows I'm here?" She asks as we sit on the hospital bed watching Avery sleep. I shake my head no.

"No one does." I tell her and she nods. I can tell she has a lot going through her mind. "Ava, I'm not going to let him hurt you again."

I try my best to assure her that she's safe. "I know you won't. I feel the safest around you." She tells me.

"Then what's bothering you?" I ask her.
"I just don't won't to see him again." She answers honestly. "I was under the impression that I'd never have to see any of them again."

"If he somehow ends up here, which I really doubt he will, Daniel and Tony will handle him." I assure her.

She nods before giving me a small smile. I never realized how much they had impacted her.

She's afraid to even look him in the face. I wish nothing but the worse on him. Ava deserves to live the best life possible.

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