33. Emergency meeting

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"You're up early!" I say to Ava. It's 7am and she's already up and cooking breakfast.

We've been sleeping in almost everyday since she's been back from the hospital. "I don't know, I guess I'm ready for things to go back how they were before."

I kiss her forehead. "It's starting to already feel normal." I tell her and she smiles.

"I've been thinking about something." She says giving me a nervous look. "What?"

"I want to take Bella to a therapist." It caught me off guard. I honestly think she needs one herself. I never considered Bella needing one.

"Why, is she having nightmares again?" I ask Ava concerned. She shakes her head no.

"I just think with all that's happening she should talk to someone. She's really young and I know she's confused about everything that's happening."

She makes a good point. Bella is too young to have to experience everything that's happened. We've tried to keep a lot of what happened from her but she's a smart kid.

"We'll only do it if you want to." She says while watching me.

"I think it's a good idea, thanks for asking me before doing it." I tell her. I remember when I had almost no say in the decisions made for Bella.

She smiles at me. "You took care of Bella for almost a year alone. You have the right to decide what decisions are being made regarding her."

"Taking care of her by myself was the hardest thing I've ever had to do." I tell her honestly.

"Welcome to my world." She says while laughing. "You're good at doing business work but I think your true purpose in life was to be a mom."

I've never seen any kid love their parent as much as Bella loves her mom. She's only four and she already wants to be exactly like Ava.

"I've always doubted myself when it came to parenting. Especially since I didn't grow up with a mom myself. I just always felt I was doing something wrong."

"Are you kidding? Do you see how happy Bella is? And you did it all by yourself, this was literally your purpose."

She laughs a little. "I can't wait to see how you do it with Avery." I tell her.

"It'll be different raising a boy and we're in different circumstances."

"How so?" "My father isn't in the picture and I'm not alone anymore." "You're never going to be alone." I remind her. "Promise?" She asks mocking Bella.

I can't help but laugh. "Promise!" "So what are your plans today?"

"I'm going into the office today." I tell her. "Okay!" She tells me. "What about you?" I ask her.

"Ana and I are going to take the kids to the park..." She says knowing I wouldn't like the idea.

"You're supposed to be staying in doors." I tell her. Ava is like a kid when it comes to her own health, she wants to prove that she's okay so bad.

"It's not that far Jaxson. I feel like a prisoner I just want to get out some. Plus the park is only 5 minutes away."

She's practically begging me to be okay with her leaving the house.

I can't help but feel bad. She hasn't left the
house since she's been back.

"Okay, just be careful." I tell her. She smiles and nods.

When I get to work it feels dull. I know it's mainly because Shawn is away visiting his family at their farm.

I decide to look over some of the recent deals Shawn approved. He's doing the work that only I should be doing.

He's more than capable of running a company on his own he just doesn't want to.

I honestly don't understand why my dad didn't just leave the company to Shawn.

The way that Shawn has kept everything up I have nothing to do. I decide to just go and introduce myself to everyone on the floor.

There's so many people here and I don't even know their names or what they do. They probably think very negatively of me.

What surprised me most about my employees is that's they're all still here from when my dad was alive.

They all had many stories about my father and it made me sad listening to them.

I hate that I never wanted to spend time with my dad while he was doing what he loved.

The only type of work I ever wanted to do with him was investing and that was only because I needed the distraction.

As I'm listening to my secretary, that I didn't know I had, tell me stories about my father my phone rings.

"Give me one second!" I tell the older woman.

"Hey Matthew!" I answer my lawyer. "Are you busy?" He asks me getting straight to the point.

"No not really, why?" "Milo and his lawyer just called for an emergency meeting."

"Right now?" "Yeah at my office." I let out a long sigh. I haven't seen Milo since the day I found Ava.

"I'm on the way." I tell him. "One more thing, he requested that Ava not participate in the meeting."

"That won't be a problem." I'm not letting him get close to Ava ever again.

I excuse myself from the conversation I was having with the secretary head to Matthew's office.

On the way I call Ava. "Hey, how's work?" She asks me. She sounds happy. I can hear Bella playing with Avery in the background.

I can't help but smile. I really have a family. "I'm leaving right now, Milo called for an emergency meeting with my lawyer."

"Why?" She asks me. "I'm not sure maybe he's going to ask for a plea bargain." I tell her.

"Oh, at least he'll go to jail." She tells me. "He's going regardless we have all the evidence." I tell her.

"Okay." She says as if she's reassuring herself. "So what are you guys doing?" I ask her. "We're about to leave and go to park." She tells me.

I can hear her smile through the phone.  "Okay, please just take it easy." She laughs "I promise to just sit and watch Bella play."

"Let me talk to Bella." I say as I pull up to my lawyers office. I got here kind of fast.  "Okay, here it's your dad."  She tells Bella.

"Hi daddy!" Bella says excitedly. "Hi princess! You going to the park with mommy?" I ask her.

"Yeah, Avery's coming too!" She sounds just as excited as Ava.  "Do you remember my number?" I ask her.

"Yes!" She says then she starts telling me my own phone number. "Good job princess! Call me if you, mommy, or Avery need anything."

"When do you come home?" She asks me. I don't expect this meeting to last long at all.

"I'll come to the park in a little bit!" I tell my daughter. "Okay bye daddy!" "Bye, love you"

"Love you too!" She says before hanging up. I take in a breathe before I get out of my car. I hope I can restrain myself from hurting Milo today.

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