11. Gone

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When I hear the keys and the locks being used from the outside I knew I had lost. I did everything I was supposed to and yet this is still about to be the end. I won't get to see Jaxson or Bella again. When the door flies open both Cedric and Milo walk in. "We have to." Milo tells Cedric. They see me sitting on the edge of the bed with the room door open. "Look, I didn't want it to have to come to this either. Do you want to go to jail?" Milo asks him, and turns his back to me. "No, but there has to be some other way" Cedric says looking pass Milo and at me. "There is no other way"   "Okay" They walk into the room I'm in. "Come on" Milo says grabbing me by my arm and pulling me up. We walks out into the living room area. "How are you going to do it?" Cedric asks him. "I don't know yet" "Look, maybe we could just leave her here. No one will ever know we were involved" Cedric says. He was folding. "Cedric, they already know it was us. If we leave her here she'll just tell" Milo says. "I swear I won't" I say. "See, lets just let her go" Cedric says. "If she doesn't Jaxson and Shawn will." "They won't." I try and assure them. I just want to go back home. "They will and you know it. Cedric this is our only option. If we kill her we can't be traced back here" he says. "I'm so sorry Ava" Cedric says. "Please don't do this" I beg him with tears coming down my face. I could run, but I know I wouldn't make it far. "I'm sorry, I never wanted it to go this far" he tells me and walks out the hotel room.

Milo walks around the room talking to
himself. "If you let me go I won't tell
anyone. No one will" I say. He sends me a glare then goes back to trying to figure out how he could kill me. I notice the that Cedric left the door cracked open. I know I stand no chance, especially with how weak I feel but I go for it. Once Milo walks to the opposite side of  the room I run. I reach the door and pull it open. I run as fast as I could down the hall trying to find an elevator. I let out a loud scream when Milo catches up and pulls me down the hall with his arms wraps around my waist. "HELP" I scream at the top of my lungs trying to fight him off. "You bitch" he says slamming the door shut. "You deserve this" he says grabbing me by my shoulders and slamming my head into the wall. I can't help but scream and cry. He didn't stop. He continues bashing my head. After my head makes contact with the wall for the eighth time the door flies open. "WHAT THE HELL?" I hear someone yell. He lets go of my shoulders and I slide down the wall. All I could hear was a ringing sound. I felt like I was dying. For a moment all I see is red and then everything goes black.

My driver lets me out right at the coordinates the phone led me to. I stand in front of the tall building. It doesn't look like a hotel, it was more a building full of small apartments. When I walk in I'm surprised. All the walls are painted black and the lobby is full of people. There isn't a single Italian in here, they were all white Americans like me. Even the girl at the desk isn't Italian. "Do you have anyone here with the name Milo or Cedric" I ask her. She rolls her eyes before searching on the computer. "Who's asking?" she asks me. "A friend" I tell her tapping my fingers on the desk. I haven't spoken to Ava since this morning. I don't know if she's okay or anything. The whole lobby gets quiet when screams start coming from the top floor. My eyes widen when I recognize the voice screaming for help. "Where's the elevator?" "There isn't one" she says. I dash up the stairs following the noise. Every floor I get to just leads me to more stairs. Her screams get closer as I run up the many floors of stairs, pushing all the people drinking out the way. I've never been this scared in my life. She was in so much danger and I had at least ten more flights of stairs to go up. I could tell her screams were coming from the very top by the way her voice had echoed down. Soon her screams became muffled and I start to run up the stairs faster. I could never forgive myself if she got hurt. Especially since it took me 6 months to even start looking for her. "Get the fuck out the way" I say pushing the 5th guy standing on the staircase smoking a cigarette. Her screams stop as I'm three staircases away. I hear a loud thudding sound all I could think about was the terrible things they could be doing to her. She's too pure to have gone through any of this. If anyone is less deserving of pain it's her. When I finally make it to the last floor I see that there's only three rooms on this hall. It's in terrible condition with dirty green carpets and only
one light bulb lighting the entire hallway. I push the door where the loud banging was coming from but it was locked. There's about six locks from the outside which would have to mean the Ava has been trapped in there. I quickly unlatch and turn five locks before forcing the door open.

He had her by her shoulders and was banging her head into the wall. There was blood going down the walls, all over his hand, and her face was covered in it. "What the hell?" I say before launching myself at him and tackling him down to the ground. He starts struggling and punching so I use all my strength to repeatedly punch him in the face. "You think you won?" He asks me breathing hard. "Shut the fuck up" I say trying to hold him down. "She's dead now. I was the last person your little whore slept with. How does that make you feel?" The only thing I could think about was her being dead. I grab the vase off the table beside me and smashes his head with it. As soon as his unconscious head falls hard onto the floor I stand and run over to Ava. "Hey, can you hear me?" Both her eyes are close and she bleeding from the back of her head. When she doesn't respond or even move I start shaking her. "Come on wake up" I say feeling the first tears slide down my face. "AVA WAKE UP PLEASE!" I beg her sobbing. "Come on, Bella needs you. God, Ava I need you. Please wake up." I continue to beg her unconscious body. "Ouch" Milo moans from the floor. I pick Ava's lite body up and walk outside. I place her down on the carpet and lock the door behind me. I carry her down the 15 flights of stairs with tears in my eyes. The people I pass by just stare. They're all just like me. They could've helped her. "Call an ambulance." I tell the women at the desk. "We can't have the police at this location" she says. "CALL A DAMN AMBULANCE!" I yell both scared and frustrated. She can't be gone.

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