38. Cheater

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I woke up before anyone else in the house. I like how it feels to be back here.

This time it's even better. I have everyone I love here with me.

The first thing I do is order breakfast for everyone.

There's a restaurant at the bottom of the beach who delivers food to the houses in the neighborhood.

They make the best breakfast. It's owned by an elderly couple who both have culinary degrees.

While I'm waiting for the food to come Bella walks down the stairs. She's still in her pajamas and she looks exhausted.

"Hey Princess!" I say when she reaches the bottom step. "Daddy!" Is all she says before walking up to me.

I pick her up and she lays her head on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" I ask her.

"I don't feel good." She tells me. I feel her forehead and she does in fact have a fever.

I'm happy Ava is back. I don't know how to handle a sick child. I lay her down on the sofa and turn on cartoons for her to watch.

"I'll be right back." I tell her before going into my room upstairs. I feel bad that I have to wake Ava but I don't know what to do.

"Ava!" I say twice while gently shaking her awake. "Hmm?" She asks me with her eyes closed.

"Bella has a fever." I tell her. "Okay." Is all she says before her breathing evens out into a pattern again.

I can't help but laugh. "What should I do?" I ask her. " Go get some children's tylenol for her to take and let her lay down, that should break it."

"Okay!" I tell her. If it's that easy I should've just googled it. "She's probably just not adjusting to changes from New York to here. She'll be okay."

"Okay, I'll be back." I tell her and she nods before drifting back to sleep.

The next thing I do is go to Shawns room. I knock then wait patiently for him to open the door.

It surprises me when Ana opens the door instead. She looks fully energized and has a huge smile on her face.

"Oh, sorry Ana. I thought Shawn chose this room." I tell her. "I did" Shawn says coming up behind her.

"Oh." Is all I say as Ana walks past me and into the room beside Shawns. "Well..." I say and he laughs.

"Don't act shocked." He tells me and I shrug. "I'm going to have to wash my sheets." I tell him.

He rolls his eyes. "What'd you need man?" "I need to go get Bella some children's tylenol, do you want to come?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I'll be down give me five minutes to get dressed." He tells me and I leave him there.

Bella is still laying on the couch where I left her. "Daddy, I don't feel good." She  tells me for the second time.

"I know princess, I'm going to go get you some medicine." "Okay!" She tells me.

"Do you want to come?" I ask her and she shakes her head no. That's how I know she really isn't feeling well.

After a few minutes Shawn walks downstairs just as Chris is walking from the basement.

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