39. The Beach

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I wake up hearing a lot of movement around me. Ava is digging through the dresser frantically and she's surrounded by clothes.

"What'd you lose?" I ask  while sitting up in bed. "I need to find a swim suite, we're all going to beach."

"You guys were just going to leave me here?" I ask her, feeling betrayed. "You were up late with Chris so I thought you would be tired."

I shake my head no and get out of bed. "I'm good!" I tell her and lean down to kiss her.

"Can you help me find my bathing suits?" She asks me and I nod.

I look around at all the clothes she has scattered on the floor and laugh. "What?" "Babe, there's a pile of them right there."

She shakes her head no. "I need my one pieces." "I thought they were all too small."

"I've lost 42 pounds since then." "Oh!" Is all I can say because I know how she lost so much weight.

"What's wrong with wearing those?" She makes a "you already know the answer" face to me.

"I'm covered in a lot of scars, especially right now." She tells me.

"You're still beautiful though. Don't be afraid of what you think others will say. You know you're stunning."

"I just don't think I'll feel comfortable." She tells me.  "You'll never know if you don't try." I tell her.

She looks at the bathing suits carefully. "Okay!" She tells me. I smile at her. "Here wear this one!"

I hand her the same bikini she wore the last time we went to the beach. She gives me a sketchy look so I give her an innocent smile.

While she gets dressed and does her hair I shower. Her trial starts tomorrow and I don't even know how that'll go.

I'm still waiting on a call back from Matthew to  tell me if I need to come back to New York or if I can just stay here and watch it.

I don't want to leave Ava and the kids alone but I also don't think they need to be in New York right now.

"Daddy!" Bella cheers the moment I walk out of the bathroom. She's wearing a pink bathing suit covered in strawberries.

"Are you feeling better princess?" I pick her up and ask. "Yeah, we're going to the beach." She tells me.

"I know!" I tell her with just as much enthusiasm. She hops down and runs out of the  room.

"You look so beautiful." I tell Ava.  She's sitting on the bed getting Avery dressed in a tiny onesie Ana bought him with the words "I have the coolest Aunt" written across it.

She smiles at me. "You look really cute too!" She tells me and I laugh. She stands up and puts Avery inside his bouncer.

"Your friend was looking for you." She tells me. "Shawn?" I ask her and she laughs. "No, Chris!"

That reminds me that I need to go by Jazzy's place. "I want you and Bella to meet one of my friends." I tell her.

She smiles big. "Really?" She asks me and I nod. "Of course, she's going to love you guys."

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