Chapter 35

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Rosely's POV

He looked at me asking if he can continue, i just nodded in response.
"Thoughout the years while Vita was growing up other supernatural beings were being created by witches. In the beginning witches were the only supernatural being that roamed the earth they were believed to be the most powerful out of all the creatures they created, until they were punished. In the time span of 16 years witches created 3 new species: vampires, demons and the phoenix. Vampires were created by a mothers want. Astrid, who was the mother of a boy named Adam, wanted to protect her child. They lived in a village that was surrounded by forest, the village was experiencing wolf attacks at night. Astrid tried everything she could to protect her child by the wolf attacks kept on happening more frequently and they were becoming more violent. In order to protect her child, Astrid went to her sister Fraya. Fraya was a powerful witch. Astrid asked her sister to make her child immortal and at first Fraya said no because it was to dangerous and it would upset the balance of nature, but Astrid kept on begging her. Fraya finally agreed to do the spell but on conditions, the creatures soulmate will be human and ones the mate dies they will not be given another one. Astrid's son, Adam, became immortal but there were some side effects that kept the balance of nature. He became blood thirsty, animal like, he grew fangs. He couldn't walk around in the sun otherwise he would burn and if he was exposed to fire he would die. The witch, Fraya, made him an amulet that allowed him to walk in the sun without burning. Years past and he found his soulmate, who was human like the witch had said she would be. They had one child together, they tried to have more children but they couldn't. He went to hunt down his aunt Fraya to ask why he can't have more children, when he found her she told him that his kind could only have one child per couple and it could only be with their soulmate. Out of pure rage he killed Fraya and returned to his soulmate and child. As time past his kind became know as vampires." He paused, looking at me to see how i was processing everything so far. He then continued
"Then there is the phoenix who was created out of the need for protection. The phoenix was created by a witch named Dahlia. A few years after the first vampire was created he lost control of his hunger for blood, although he needed the blood to survive he didnt need that much of it but he started killing hundreds of people for no reason. Adam attacted the village that Dahlia lived in and since she couldn't kill him she created a creature that could. She gave a young man named Damon the ability to transform into a bird of fire, this made the man live longer. Dahlia had created the creature to protect the humans from vampires, therefore the creature was only mated to humans and other creatures of its species. Damon protected as many villages as he could and soon word spread to the vampires that a creature that was created could kill them, they stoped attacking villages. Damon found his mate and ended up having 3 children, which the vampires tried to kill but they failed. He figured out that he couldnt be killed by vampires since he was created to kill them but he was weakened by the moon and werewolves could kill him. Lastly the demons were created. A witch named Rebekah created them ad gaurdians of the underworld. The underworld was a place created by Raya, it is like a heaven for supernatural creatures. All of the dead in the supernatural world go to the underworld, they live on there. The underworld is a magical realm on this earth all the dead live amongst the living they just can't affect their lives.
Rebekah created the demons to prevent the contact between the creatures in the underworld and those in the world of the living. Demons can me mates to werewolves, humans and others in their species. She gave a human named Evan the ability to travel between the the underworld and the world of the living. He met his mate that the age of 20 and they had 4 children, 2 were human and the other 2 were demons." He looks like he is done with the story but then continues talking
"Twenty years after all these creatures were created a war started between all the supernatural creatures. Raya, the original witch asked for all the firsts to come and meet her in the place where it all began, which was the forest between the human town and the wolf pack. When they arrived there Raya informed them of what she was going to do, whether they want to take part or not. She was going to do a spell that made them gods and goddesses in a way, each would control and make decisions about their own species. This was to try and prevent another was like the one they were in. When she did the spell it was made known to everyone that was part of the supernatural that these people were the god or goddess for the species. People didnt agree with that so Raya tried to reason with them saying that she didn't just pick random people from each species but she pick the first of each of the species. Some of the species agreed afterwards but the ones that didn't had to be convinced in other... ways. When everyone accepted their god or goddess, Raya put the first five in a realm that she called The First. They were allowed to communicate with each other but they each had their own section in the realm. So the First Five consisted of Raya who is now known as Queen Raya she rules the witches, Adam who is now known as the Vampire Prince he rules the vampires, Damon who is known as the God of Fire he rules the phoenixes, Even who is known as the Demon King he rules the demons and Vita who is know as the  Moon Goddess she rules the werewolves. Raya's first act as a goddess was to weaken her kind so that they couldnt create more creatures, she was disappointed in her kind for creating the other creatures. Many think she is a hypocrite because they believe that she created werewolves but she didn't. She assisted in the creation by granting Alpha Philip a week of being a human. When she weakened her species she also weakened all the other species except werewolves because a witch didn't create our species." He finished what he was saying. He looked at me making sure I processed what he had just told me.

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