Chapter 4

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The photo above is of Ryder's bike


Ryder's POV

I was riding to school on my bike when I smelt something nice and familiar. My inner wolf cried, 'MATE' but I couldn't see anyone around me. As I drove off, out of the corner of my eye I saw a girl getting off a bike. I didn't know what to look at more the bike or the girl. But what was odd was that she parked the bike behind a bush trying to hide it. She then took out her bag and started walking to the school.


I love being the new kid because it means that all the attention is on me, which makes it easier for me do what I have been doing for years. I walked through the school doors with my beta, Alex and my Delta, Sam. As we walked through the halls all the girls stared at us, some of them I recognized as my pack members. This school was the school where all the teenagers of my pack went, I went here a few years ago but then I left to start my search. But now it was time for me to return, to be the alpha my pack needed me to be, and its a good thing I did.

I walked into the office to ask the receptionist for my class schedule and locker number.

"Hello, can I have my class schedule and locker number?" I asked in such a bored tone that she didn't even look up at me.

"Name?" the receptionist said in such a rude tone that I wondered how she got this job.

"Ryder Bennett"

She handed me my class schedule and locker number and then continued to scroll through her phone. I walked out of the office and to my locker, once I opened it I put all the books I didn't need inside and shut the door closed.

Walking into my first class of the day, every single girl staring at me like they wanted to eat me and the guys like they wanted to kill me. I took my seat at the back of the class and went to sleep. I did the same in all my classes before lunch. When the bell finally rang I walked to the cafeteria and before I entered I met up with Alex and Sam.

As we walk in all eyes were on us and then it hit me again, that scent I smelt this morning. I couldn't do anything to find out where that scent was coming from.

We sat down at a table and we ate our lunch in silence. While eating our lunch I spoke to them through the mind-link:

*She's here* I said

*Where?* Sam asked

*I don't know exactly, there is too many people to find out exactly who she is but I know that she's in the cafeteria.* I said

*Can you talk to her through mind-link?* Alex asked

*I will try.* I said

After a while of trying to connect with her and failing, he gave up.

*No I can't, I don't think she's shifted yet but she's about to* I said

*How do you know that?* They both asked in unison.

*I can sense her she-wolf getting stronger.*

We were then interrupted by the bell, so we stood up and walked to class. We entered the class and made our way to the back. I did the same as I did during the other lessons, I fell asleep. When the bell rang to signal the end of the day I stood up and stalked towards my locker. Half way to my locker someone walked straight into me, she gathered all her books stood up and mumbled a quick 'sorry' and walked away. She looked familiar and then I remembered that it was her that I saw with the bike this morning. During all this I just stood there staring at her beauty with this unreadable expression on my face, while my inner wolf was screaming 'MATE' over and over again.

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