Chapter 7

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Nikki's POV

With that I turned to my laptop and started drifting off into sleep.

*Dream Starts*

I woke up in the woods panic written on my face, I stood up and looked around. The place was strangely familiar. I wondered around for a while. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him, a muscular male figure in the distance his back facing me. It was like he was calling me without even saying anything, but for some reasons I was drawn to him.
I walked over to him slowly, very slowly making sure not to make a noice. I froze when I heard it, there was this low - protective growl. "I must be going mad." I said to myself but then I heard it again but this time it didnt scare me, it drew me towards it. I continued to walk towards the figure, my head spinning, 'why was I walking towards this figure, was I attracted to the growl? I let my feet do their own thing as they guided me towards the figure but before I could reach him there was this noise, my head snapped towards the left side of the woods searching. I continued to search but when I looked back towards the figure he was gone.
I turned on my heel and sprinted towards the left side of the forest, I continued to run until I tripped over a big tree branch. 'Get up!!' I told myself in my head, and I did, I got up.
Right in front of me stood a wolf that looked extremely familiar, like I had know it my whole life.
It looked at me with worry in its eyes, this scared the sh*t out of me. Why do I feel like I can trust this wolf? So many question were going through my head at the time. The wolf walked closer to me, I couldn't move it was like I was stuck in this position.
Out of nowhere, another wolf attacked the one that was looking at me. The one that just helped me looked more gentle then the other one, I assumed the wolf was a girl and my assumption was confirmed.
"NOT YET!!!" She barked at the other wolf
"Then when!?" He barked back even louder
"Soon, very soon." She confirmed
"She just needs to get her blood boiling." She said, it was more of a whisper and I almost couldn't hear it. She turned to me, taking in my stance and my expression
"You need to be careful, they are close now. You are about to..." She was cut of because something came from behind me and bit me, screaming and struggling under its grasp. I saw what it was, it was a wolf and on the right side of the wolf's face there was a scar. The wolf looked at me with such hatred that it shut me up. He was then yanked of me by the other 2 wolfs, but he was determined, he ran back at me and bit my neck...

*Dream Ends*

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!" I woke up screaming so loudly my mother came rushing into my room with a worried yet murderous expression plastered on her face.
"Are you ok?" She asks me frantically
I nodded my head because I was so scared that if I spoke I would start crying and I wouldn't be able to stop.

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