Chapter 6

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Nikki's POV

I ran into my room and went straight towards my closet. I grabbed my black sports bag and put it on the bed, I then grabbed everything I needed. This includes my sports bra, tights, hoodie and my bandana so I could cover my face. I then went downstairs with my stuff and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, on the way to the garage I grabbed my bike keys. Once I put them in the engine, I turned it on and my bike roared to life. I couldn't help the smile the crept onto 1my face. I made my way towards the club and stopped at the shop closest to the South Side, so I could change into the clothing I brought with me. I got back on my bike and made my way to the club.


I waited for about 2 hours before my name was called. I wasn't surprised with the fact that I was going up against the winner.
"Next up we have our new champion the Night Walker versus our old champion Phoenix of Fury."
People looked shocked at the mention of my name but after a while they started cheering and clapping again.

'Ding Ding Ding'
The bell sounded signaling that the match has begun.
We just circled each other for a while, I was waiting for him to strike first, he did. He tried to punch me in the gut but I dodged the attack, he continued to come at me, I just kept on dodging most of them while not even striking back. I noticed that he never put weight on his left leg, I assumed that something was wrong with it. So me being me took my chance and kicked him hard on his left leg, he looked stunned as he fell to the floor. I took this as a sign I jumped on him and started punching him. He pushed me off after about 5 minutes, so I stood up again. He tried to punch me but I blocked it, I punched him in the stomach and he feel to his knees, I then took my chance at finishing the match and kneed him in the face. He went down face first and was knocked unconscious. I was declared the winner and the champion once again.

I walked out of the club and went straight to my bike, I took off the bandana that was covering everything but my eyes off and drove off.

I made it back home at about 11pm, everyone was sleeping so I made my way to my room and tried to calm myself down. For some reason my blood was boiling, my bones started to ache and I felt like I needed to go for a run. I put the thought aside and decided to shower, as it should calm me down. As I turned the water on and stepped into the shower, the moment the water hit my body I felt my muscles relax.


I changed into my pajamas and got ready for bed. I opened my laptop, put Netflix on and started to watch an episode of The Vampire Diaries when all of a sudden my phoned beeped. I looked towards it and said to myself, "I will check it in the morning." With that I turned to my laptop and started drifting off into sleep.

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