Chapter 15

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Listen to the song before you continue reading.

Nikki's POV

It's been a few days since Khensi's fight with Kiara, and the tension in the pack is becoming ridiculous. I still can't say that I disagree with Khensi because Kiara has been choosing Tijeal over us. Sam and Alex are also being affected by this fight, they aren't fighting but they also aren't hanging out. I have to do something about this, I am the Luna and I don't like seeing my friends fight.
I walk into Khensi's room and to say it's a mess is an understatement, clothes all over the floor, tissues everywhere, bed unmade, dishes not washed, I came to the conclusion that she has been crying the whole time and was to lazy or sad to clean. My mind wondered to Sam, why hasn't he tried to clean. I see Khensi sitting on the couch watching 'The Vampire Diaries' which is a really bad sign because she only watches that when she is having a nervous breakdown. I run to the couch and engulf her in a hug.
"Its going to be ok." I tell her, she just looks at me with an 'are you serious' look
"Yes, I'm being serious." I say answering the look she gave me
"No, it is already ok because I can't anymore, I can't keep looking strong while she replaces us. I am giving up so it's ok because it's not my problem anymore." She says, biting on her lip to stop herself from crying
"You can't just give up." I say to her hoping she would atleast ask why, I need to get her to open up so we can sort this whole thing out.
"Why, why can't I give up? That basically what she did to us." She says
"You can't give up because she's your best friend, and if you give up you will lose everything you've worked so hard to achieve." I say, hoping to atleast get her to think about forgiving Kiara
"What have we worked for?" She says, which shocks me a bit
"You've worked for your friendship, for you're love, you worked hard to get to know her and you worked hard to keep the friendship going. You both have."
"Exactly I worked hard to keep the friendship going and she is just throwing it away." She sobs
"No you have both worked hard for your friendship and you guys can't just throw it away." I say, a little upset that I have to fix a friendship (I don't want them to fight so that's why I don't want to fix the friendship, they shouldn't be fighting in the first place)
"I'm not the one throwing it away, she is. She's the one that's replacing us, not me." Now she is full on crying
"I know what you mean, I feel it to but that means that it's our responsibility to try and get her back. Do you know why she is replacing us, maybe she thinks that we gave up on the friendship first. I know that I have been a little more busy then usual but that's because of my Luna responsibilities, I havent exactly tried to explain why I've been distant. You never know maybe you have been distant but haven't noticed it or thought that it was normal. Maybe that's why she's hanging out with someone she never liked, it could be her last option and we are pushing her to use it." I said, she looks at me in shock and I don't blame her because I shocked myself too.
"I'm going to go and try sort things out with her and I think you should to." I say with kindness and authority in my voice.
I do not own the song.

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