Chapter 25: Keeping Quiet

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2nd person POV
You were waiting for Kirishima and Midoriya to arrive and you were getting impatient. They finally arrived and about time too, cause you were about to send one of 'them' to retrieve those two. "Took you long enough, I was about to send of my 'friends' to get you. But that would've been pointless, but since you two already showed up let's get down to business." you said smirking "Kirishima, this isn't what we planned for, isn't it?" "Sorry Midoriya, but there's more to Y/N that I realized; I think you should here what she has to say." "Why? Don't tell me you joined her?! I have to tell the pros!" Midoriya then starts run away from you and Kirishima. He was about to reach the end of the alleyway when he runs into some invisible force. "Oh yeah, once someone finds out what I've been doing, they either join.... or die. Wolf." you say as a Predator appears revealing its high tech armor and weapons (I'm using the Predator from Deadmeat [I love the names James chose] which I love the channel and I wish the Predators could live a little longer). "Wh-what is that thing?"

"This is Wolf. My Predator. Isn't he beautiful? He's part of an advanced civilization of hunters, their tech is high advanced so they'll always get their targets; even if it means killing them. And don't think about telling anyone, you won't even escape alive when he's around! It's like running from wolf; he's faster, stronger, and more intelligent. Even if you escape he'll blow you up like bomb!" you said jumping up and down with joy "So Izuku, should we talk this out or should my baby Wolf kill ya and take your spine! The choice is yours."

Izuku's POV
I have to think about this the right way. I need to tell All Might, but I also don't wanna die knowing I made a stupid mistake. "Fine! We'll talk!" I shout bluntly. Great Midoriya, what are you getting yourself into?

"Perfect but lets talk in private. Don't want anyone listening right? Cause that would be a fun bloody thing to watch." Y/N says giggling like a psychopath; what's is with Y/N?! She acts all tough and scary.... but she now act like a sociopath! Is this her true personality?!

We end up in this white blank area where there's nothing you can see for miles. Where are we?

"Welcome to the blank realm! Where no one can hear you scream!" Y/N screams at the top of her lungs and nothing moves. There's nothing here!

"So Izuku, where shall we begin?" she says with psychotic smile, I shiver with fear at the sight of how creepy she looked with that smile. "How about why you start were speaking with Shigaraki in the first place!" "Oh your brother?" wh-what d-did sh-she just s-say? "Wh-what?" "Tomura's your half brother. I know who your father is and if I told you, you wouldn't like it." "H-how is he my b-brother?" "Oh Izuku, I wish I could explain but; I can't not right now, that's something you need to find out on your own." (I have been inspired by the ask Bakugou and Deku comic! Please don't hurt me! I love the story and don't own it! I just inspired)


"You join S.P.E.W."

"But the choice is both Kirishima's and yours. I'll leave you two here to think about it. And don't worry about time, it's paused. I'll give you an hour." she says fading like dust, Kirishima runs at her trying to grab her by goes right threw her and lands on the floor from loosing his balance.

Kirishima's POV
Midoriya and I were wandering around this "blank realm" thinking about what Y/N said. Midoriya is refusing to talk to me from what happened back in the alleyway. "Midoriya-" "Shut it! How long did you know about this?" "Just yesterday, she isn't like what you think she is." "How so? Cause when she brought us here she was acting like a sociopath. How could she be something else? Was she acting like a normal person, or was she just toying with everyone?"

"Y/N isn't human Midoriya," I said, stopping. Midoriya turns around to face me "How? She looks human." "She was created in the Four Elements facility." "The government facility that was destroyed 10 not before the entrance exams?" "That was Y/N's doing actually." I said nervously. Scratching the back of my head. "I don't blame her though; she was tortured there at least 165 times from what she said."

Midoriya looks at me shocked and then starts mumbling something. "How could've she survived? Everyone in that building was supposed to be dead." "That's the thing......... she killed everyone in the building," Midoriya was about to say something but I interrupted him "she had her reason though!" "How?! There were innocent people in that building!" "If they were innocent then why did they take her arm?!" he stops and then looks at the ground. "If word gets out the government will probably kill anyone who knows about Y/N. Including Uraraka. So we have to keep quiet."

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