Chapter 36:

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Ch. 36 Surprise

3rd person POV
After the two brothers got caught up on things, Tenko or Tomura, wanted to kill Bakugou for bullying Midoriya all his life. But Uraraka had came just in time to stop the fight before it began.

They all went to leave but... someone wanted to stay.

"Denki? Aren't you coming?" Uraraka ask the human pikachu. "No, I think I should stay here. Just in case Y/N recovers and awakes." he said with a sad smile. "Denki. You know you can't. We're still in U.A., we haven't graduated yet. Harley will give me a call when Y/N wakes up. For now, we have to wait. Alright?" Uraraka says putting her hand on his shoulder. "I guess your right. Let's go."

"Yip!" they both turn and see Maple falling down and lands on Tenko. "Are you kidding me?! Why does keep happening?!" he yells in frustration. Everyone laughs at the sight. "But can't I still see Y/N?" Kaminari said, hoping he can still see the girl he loves. "I'll see what can do." Uraraka replies.

Time skip

Its been two weeks since that happened. Uraraka hasn't got a call from Harley about Y/N awakening. Kaminari has been given the chance to see Y/N thanks to Slenderman as long as he doesn't stray from Ayano. She had been keeping track of Kaminari so he doesn't stray off to somewhere where he doesn't belong.

Today was Kaminari's second time going to the city. He was excited to go back but he was more excited to Y/N again, he hasn't seen her in two weeks. "Come on Kaminari or we're gonna miss the portal!" Ayano shouted as she ran into the forest with Kaminari not far behind. "Just... let... me... catch... my... breathe." he said between pants, Ayano made him run since any other form of transportation was too slow. They reached the the portal as it was about to close and jumped in head first.

Kaminari's POV
I finally get to see Y/N again after these two weeks. So much has happened after we visited the city. Endeavor became a better father and Dabi became a hero and teacher at U.A. while his mother came out of the hospital, Tom-Tenko, moved in with Midoriya and his mother which she excepted him with open arms, All Might married Midoriya's mom so it must by lucky to have the retired Number One Hero as your new father, Todoroki got together with Momo(I did it for the todomomo fans) and Kirishima got together with Bakugou, and Uraraka and Midoriya are together too. Kurogiri, Toga, and Twice had moved into the city since they were still criminals in our world.

We got to the end of the slide and Ayano landed on her feet somehow and I got a face full of concrete. "You should work on your landing skills more." Ayano says with a taunting tone "Hey!" I yell back since I couldn't come with any good comebacks. "Come on then, visiting hours don't last forever." then she took off running "Hey wait for me!" I take off after her till we reach the hospital.

We get inside and see Harley walking to the bubble platform with a coffee cup in her hand. "Hey! Dr. Quinn!" Ayano yells waving her hand in the air. "Oh, hey double A, whatcha doing here at this hour?" we walk towards here and Harley sees me. "Ooooh, I remember you! You're one of Y/N's friends right?" I nod "Well if you wanna see Y/N you're gonna have to wait a couple minutes. Right now we're taking the stitches out. I'll let you know when you can visit." she says before stepping onto the platform. A bubble forms around her and lifts her up to the top floor.

"Shall we go get some food?" Ayano suggestively states out "Yeah all that running made me hungry." I said as we walk towards the hospital's cafeteria. We get our food and was it delicious! I stuffed myself full while Ayano ate rationally.

After a few minutes of waiting Harley appeared. "Well ya guys can see her. I'm on my break so ya have a few minutes." she says as I zoomed past her to the platform. A bubble then forms around and lifts me up to the top floor; I get off as quickly as I can and run to Y/N's room. I get through the door and see Y/N's unconscious body lie on the bed. I walk over to it and hold her hand "Please wake Y/N, Uraraka's has been waiting by her phone waiting for Harley to call. Please wake up, I-I can't loose you. I love you Y/N, I've always have, I just didn't know how to explain my feelings to you. I wish you could wake up and see how many people you made happy. The city you built, it's amazing, everyone from our class loves it. Endeavor became a better father now, Tenko and Midoriya are living under one roof, and Kirishima got together with Bakugou. Just so you know." I kiss her forehead and held her her hand tightly.

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