Chapter 24: Mistake

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Kirishima's POV
I couldn't believe Y/N talked with that villain. I feel betrayed; but I have to be a man about this! Maybe Uraraka might know about this and maybe Y/N might be forcing her to keep quiet. The possibilities of her joining the League are high.

I saw Uraraka alone walking to the bubble tea café so I ran up to her "Hey Uraraka!" "Huh? Oh hey Kirishima." "Can I ask you something?" "You just did, but go ahead." "Is Y/N joining the League of Villains?" she suddenly went pale "Wh-what?! Y/N would never do such a thing! If she wanted to she would've told me about it!" "Then why was Y/N with their leader?" "Wh-what?" "I heard her talking with the leader, Tomura Shigaraki? I think that's his name? Anyways she was talking to him about making a deal." "Th-thank you for telling this I'll speak to her about this when she gets back from that thing she needed to take care of." "That's the thing. She's meeting with him today about quarter afternoon." "Take me to her." she said with a serious face.

We walk to where I last saw them and see them both there but Y/N had a....... knife?! Then she starts speaking "Tomura Shigaraki are you willing to take the oath?" "Yes." she then starts cutting for diamonds shaped like and 'x' on his shoulder blade. Uraraka puts her hand on my shoulder and I start to float. "Hey Y/N! I got another one!" she yells; Y/N then turns around and a tentacle wraps around me and pulls me down to her face. "Who knew that Kirishima would be a stalker." she say in a playful tone "You two are now with the League of Villains! That's so unmanly! What about our classmates, the school!" "What about them. Now. Isn't there someone else that knows about this?" she says, holding the knife to one of my eyes "Why would I tell you?!" "Cause if you don't I'll have to kill the entire school if it means to find out who knows." the tentacle squeezes tightly as I cry out in pain "Well, Eijirou Kirishima, who else knows." the tentacle squeezes even tighter; I scream out even louder "ALRIGHT ITS MIDORIYA!" I shout "Uraraka, if you would." "Release." I fall to the ground face first.

"Shigaraki, why don't you go back to your hideout. Uraraka, why don't you go home as well; and don't worry about the drinks. I'll get them after I deal with our spoiler here." "Alright Y/N, just make sure you don't mix your drink with mine, ya hear?" "Alright little sis." they both leave and then Y/N turns to face me "Now where were we?"

I take Kirishima to a roof of a random building where we could chat. I got Uraraka's bubble tea and already gave it to her why I got one for myself and Kirishima since I was thinking he didn't have anything yet.

"So Kirishima, talk to me." "Why? You threatened me, betrayed our school, our friends, and what makes you manly enough to make me talk?" "Cause I'm not human. So I don't have emotions." what?! Not human?! "What do you mean by that?" "I was created in the Four Elements facility. Since I was just another government toy, I murdered everyone in the building." Kirishima looks at me shocked and starts backing away from me "I see why your reaction would be like that. But I had my reason. Every villain does and hero has their reasons. But here's mine." I put down my cup and take off my glove "They took my arm. So I had kill them, I did it because they tortured me; 165 times." he then gives me a sympathetic face "I only came to your pathetic school because Uraraka talked me into it." "Then why do you stay?" "Huh?" "Why do you stay? If you hate it so much why don't you leave?" " Well.... that's the thing. I made what you people call a family. I couldn't leave Uraraka; she's my sister after all and I'm the class mom so I have to tend to my duties. And Kaminari's my only friend. So I have a question for you." I said, putting my glove back on "What?" "What's it like?" "What do you mean?" "What's it like to have a normal life?" I then drink the delicious substance of bubble tea "It's kinda boring if you ask me. I just want to have excitement in my life ya know."

We keep talking and hang out the rest of of the day and find out that that his hair's really black. I found it cute. "Bye Kirishima it was fun hanging out with ya." "Yeah ya know you're not bad for an experiment." "My feelings." I said putting my hand to my head doing a dramatic pose. "You know can't tell anyone about this ya know, if you want you and Izuku to live you'll bring him to the alleyway where you saw us okay?" "Why?" "If word gets out Uraraka and her parents might get killed for keeping me. And everyone else that knows about me; not to mention I'll get tortured again or even killed. I'm not letting her or anyone I know get hurt because of my existence. Why do you think I have this scar." I pulled up my shirt for Kirishima to see the scar Uraraka carved. "It's an oath to keep quiet or to find a better life outside this one." I pull my shirt back down "I'm sorry that you had to go through that, I thought that you were joining the League." said Kirishima, hugging me tight "It doesn't matter, what matters is that the word doesn't get out." "I'll bring Midoriya here, but only if you stop shutting people out who want to help." "Alright." I pull away "Good luck." I said, then I 'kiss' his cheek.

"See you tomorrow."

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