Chapter 22: S.P.E.W.

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3rd person POV
Stains looks at her confused. Who was this girl? And does she look like an angel?

"Who are you and where am I?" he said, taking a step forward at the girl.

"Somewhere where nowhere will bother us," she says walking towards him "and... someone who is wanting to talk to you." "Why am I here?" "So I can talk to you of course." "About what?" Stain says making a suspicious face "About joining S.P.E.W."

"Hahaha! That's stupid name!" Stain said laughing.

"ENOUGH!" the girl said as a tendril came from the ground and slapped his face. "S.P.E.W. stands for Super Powered Elite Warriors. And don't worry about anything. The people may be few in numbers, but with your help..." she walks towards Stain "we can grow in numbers. What I want is to help people who are misunderstood. And I want you to join. So, Akaguro Chizome, would you like to join." Said the girl, holding out her diamond hand.

"Yes." He says taking her hand. "Good. Then let me escort you to your stay."

They walk until they reach a mansion in the dark woods. "The people in there will tell you everything you need to know. Until then good bye Akaguro. Till we meet again."

"Till we meet again... Y/N."

"Where's Y/N!" Todoroki yells at the heroes "Where is she?!" "Calm down kid, I'm sure they haven't gotten fa-"

A bright light appears in front of the heroes. "Hello everyone! Did you miss me?" said Y/N in the same outfit but the color changed; the black went to white, and the purple went to yellow.


Todoroki, Midoriya, and Iida hugged Y/N. "Was I gone that long?" she said, hugging them back "No Y/N, you didn't miss a thing."

"What's that?!"

Everyone turns to a wall that had words written in blood that said "You will regret the day you messed with S.P.E.W.!"

Time skip

After the Hosu incident Uraraka would not stop bugging me about how worried she was. "You bastards better stop laughing or I'll kill you!" guess Katsuki hasn't changed a bit "Hey bro- (wolf whistle) damn! Boy, have you gain a cute look. I like it! Maybe you should keep it that way." I said, then his hair goes back to normal. I will miss that hair cut though.

It turns out that we're going on a trip but we have pass final exams, well this will be fun. I mean if this is what it takes just to go on a trip than so be it.

We get into our hero costumes and I overhear the teachers talking "What are we going to do about this...S.P.E.W.?" "Not to mention Stain is missing and still out there!" then I hear Nezu speak up "Super Powered Elite Warriors." "What?" "That's their name. According to the police, they were built off of the destruction of the Four Elements facility 10 months before the entrance exams." "What does that have to do with S.P.E.W.?" "Apparently there was a survivor from the disaster that is trying to avenge the people who were in the building." I snicker at this, how stupid are these people? "But I believe that they're at UA." WHAT?! How did they find out?! "How can you be sure about that?" said All Might "They carry the symbol of the Four Elements. Four gems representing the balancing acts of life. Destruction, Pain, Growth, and Beauty. If they have the symbol, then we'll be able to stop them from inflicting harm on the school." I really gotta be more careful about this.

I call over Uraraka, Katsuki, and Todoroki to discus what I found out. "The teachers are on to us." "What how can they find that fast?! I thought they would be too stupid to find out!" "What do you expect they're heroes." "Shut it Half-and-Half." "Why not lead them down the wrong path. Like give them a false lead." "If gets them off our ass then do it." "I'll take care of them. You three need to worry about your exams."

Time skip to picking

I got picked with Katsuki and Izuku, what a joy ride this will be. The three of get ready and wait for All Might when Katsuki starts being loud. "Shut up you damn Deku!" "Katsuki Bakugou, calm down. Why don't I distract All Might while you two make a run for it." "But that's not a plan. We need to strategize." "Now I know why Katsuki calls you a nerd."

Then the exam starts. All Might lands in front of us and does that stupid pose of his. Tendrils come out and create a bubble around us. "While All Might is busy trying to break the bubble want to try and discuss what the hell we're gonna do!" I yell, clearly we can't get along. Wait a minute. That's it! "Boys will you stop fighting each other and pay attention! Why don't I keep him busy while Izuku finds a route for us to escape. And Katsuki will find a way to make a surprise attack on All Might." "That could work. But what happens if All Might suspect's anything?" "Leave that to me."

3rd person POV
The bubble then breaks but only Y/N seems to be underneath it. She then kicks All Might where the sun don't shine, causing him to fall down in pain. She picks him up by the ankle and start swinging him around. "Ready to go for a spin!" Then Bakugou comes out of the shadows with a big pipe. "Hey Katsuki! BATTER UP!" said Y/N, throwing All Might at Bakugou. Bakugou then takes a swing hitting All Might, causing him to fly up into sky. "HOME RUN!" he yells at at Y/N; as All Might flies above her, she jumps up to him. Twirling around, she side kicks him to the other side of field. Midoriya then jumps up, catching Y/N. "Come on Katsuki!" Y/N yells, telling him that they only had little time before All Might shows up again.

As they near the exit All Might throws a punch at Y/N and Midoriya. Y/N manages to push Midoriya towards Bakugou, ending up with her getting punched in the stomach, puking up a black substance. "What the hell is that thing?!" said All Might as the black substance began to form what was known in a another world.

Bendy. (The monster version)

Bendy began to attack All Might, screeching and clawing at him. Y/N was unconscious on the ground with her glove slowly disappearing. Bakugou then runs to her covering her arm with his body. "Kacchan what happened to Y/N?" Midoriya ask getting closer to to them. "Get out of here Deku! There's you could've done!" Bakugou says blasting him away. Bendy then sees Y/N and runs back to her, he then becomes to crawl back inside her mouth. Y/N wakes up gasping for air. Tendrils come out to form a hand to where All Might starts attacking again. The picks up All Might and throws him again to the other side of the field.

Bakugou picks up Y/N in bridal style and starts running towards the exit. "Come on Deku!" Midoriya then sprints after them.

The pass through the exit before time ran out and Y/N went to Recovery Girl.

"Kacchan, what was that thing?! It almost killed All Might! It came out of Y/N! What's going on?!" Midoriya yells at Bakugou "That thing is what's keeping Y/N alive." Bakugou said, walking away from him. Truth be told Bendy wasn't keeping her alive. That was a lie Bakugou had to come up with in order for Midoriya to stop asking questions about Y/N. Bendy just wanted to see what it was like in the bnha world. So he decided to be like Venom and hop in Y/N's body. How do you think the glove cane to be?

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