Chapter 8: Fighting

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All Might's POV
Young L/N certainly has potential, but with her quirk so powerful it could lead to her downfall. I'll make sure to go a little easy on the kid, don't want anyone getting hurt.

3rd person POV
The building was finished, everything was set, the only thing that was missing was the fight! "ALL RIGHT, NOW LETS SEE WHO'S THE VILLAIN AND WHO'S THE HERO!" All Might said, reaching in the boxes and pulling out a black ball and a white ball. "Y/N L/N! YOU'LL BE THE VILLAIN AND I WILL BE THE HERO OF COURSE! ALONG WITH THESE GENTLEMEN!" All Might said, motioning his hand towards Denki, Kirishima, and Todoroki. Y/N walks inside the building to where the fake weapon is, and waiting for the battle to commence.

I wonder about the candy cane boy called Todoroki. I've heard the name before but where? WAIT A MINUTE!! Now I know where I heard that name before! Enji Todoroki, or as Endeavor. So this is his kid huh? I knew I recognized that turquoise blue eye somewhere! I hear footsteps then I feel a big gust of wind. I look up to see All Might and the three boys. "Well well well well well well! Let me get a look at the menagerie," I said with a dark chuckle "All Might has brought friends for me to play with?!" I then look at Todoroki "You must be one of Endeavor's kids! Isn't that just swell!"

"You're to late to stop me!" I said giggling uncontrollably "SAY GOOD BYE TO YOUR HAPPILY EVER AFTER!" Kami runs at me with an electric sphere in his hands; I took the time to distract them long enough. "AND THE BEST PART IS THAT YOU'LL BE OBLITERATED ON THIS NOWHERE PLANET, WITH A BUNCH. OF. NOBODIES!"

Six tendrils come out and form blades. One of them tried to slice All Might while the other ones were distracting the others. All when things were going well when my tendrils were frozen to the pillars and floor. This must be Todoroki's doing. "Well that's unfortunate, and we were just in the middle of our game." "This isn't a game anymore!" Kami said with anger "Ohohohohohoho! You are looking angry honey! You're just looking so mad! Hahahahaha!" "Shut up!" "Make me!"

Kami started running at me with full rage. If only they knew.

Todoroki's POV
I froze her tendrils so she wouldn't try any tricks. The pikachu boy or as Denki starts running at her in with full rage. This guy really is pissed off.

I looked at... what was her name... Y/N L/N? From what All Might said I wasn't paying attention. The name sounds... cute. More tendrils pop up and wrapped Denki and threw him against the wall, hard. "I guess the games over? Oh well, I was having fun." she said giggling like a psychopath. Red hair boy starts running towards her and manages to cut off a few of the tendrils; must be some part of his quirk. "That's cheating!" Y/N yells as new ones begin to grow and the old ones disintegrate. How is this possible?!

All Might starts to punch her but a tendril wraps around his leg and picks him up. It starts to throw him on one side of the room and then the other. (Imagine the scene with hulk and Loki in the Avengers movie 🍿) Start to freeze the floor to see if she'll slip but she starts skating around the room. "Thanks for the upgrade Todobird!" "Don't call me that!" I spat, this girl is getting on my nerves.

Kirishima's POV
My blood began to boil, how does she do this?! She can regrow her tendrils and now she can skate?! This just keeps getting weirder. I try to move but my feet were frozen to the ground. Damn it! "DETROOOIIIT! SMAAAASH"

All Might throws his Detroit Smash at Y/N, I hope she doesn't get hurt. I waited for All Might to make an impact on Y/N but his fist was still mid way of his attack. I look closer to Y/N holding his fist?! "Your attacks have gotten weaker All Might, is it because you're old?" she said right before grabbing his arm and swinging him 'round and 'round, I was getting dizzy just watching. She finally lets go of his arm and he goes flying out the building!

"The Villain team wins!" Damn it! Todoroki is his name... melts the ice?! He has two quirks?! I wish I had a more flashy quirk, maybe I could've done something!

That was really fun! Who knew that these guys were such fun toys.

I look at Kirishima and see a sad expression on his face, maybe he needs a hug. I walk over to him and hug him, I can feel his shocked expression. "Someone told me hugs make people feel better. I thought you could use one." I said, hoping he would feel better. I start to feel him hugging back. "I just wish I could've done something that would help!" "Its okay, just let it out." I hear him start to cry, I pet his head and feel his soft red hair. I thought it was hard like his quirk, guess I was wrong.

"Its alright, I know you wanted to help. Why don't we talk about this after school, okay?" he nods on my shoulder, I never thought that some people had a soft side.

I let go of him and walk to Kami. I hope I didn't break his spine. "You okay Kami?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "Do you need to see Recovery Girl?" "No." "Alright, but let me know if you need anything, you're my first friend." I helped him up on his feet. I look towards where Todoroki was and see an angry look on his face, maybe he needs a hug. "Hold on, I need to speak with someone, I'll see you later" I said walking towards Todoroki. "You really are his kid," he gives me a death glare "How do you know that?" "I recognized that blue eye anywhere, and you're left side has his look too. If you don't count the scar. How'd you get it anyway?" "Why should I tell you?" "Cause maybe I can help you." "You can't, and it isn't your business." "So you don't want me to help you with your 'daddy issues'?" "H-how did you know about that?!" "Let's just say that I have friends in the shadows. If you need someone you need to talk to, I'm always open. K?" "Sure." "Great see you later!" I said walking away while waving.

I walked in the observation room and saw everyone look at me shocked. "How did you manage to throw All Might out of the building?!" "Was all that shouting an act?!" "How did you do that?!" "How were you able to stop All Might's punch like that?!" "ENOUGH!!" Everyone shook with fear from the venom in my voice. "If you want to find out how, figure out yourself!" Geez, people won't leave me alone with the stupid questions.

Time skip

After all the other fights I saw that Bakugo wasn't his angry self, maybe it has to do with his fight with Izuku. Maybe he needs a hug!

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