Chapter 32: Final Battle

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3rd person POV
Y/N summoned a canon and fired. The blast ended up hitting AFO in the stomach causing him to gasp for air but didn't make a dent.

"Why won't you just die already?!" Y/N screams summoning a thousand blades of vibranium and fires them at AFO. They managed to only a small cut on his outfit.

Y/N becomes even more pissed and sends ice pillars at him and manage to crack his mask just a little bit. "GODDAMN IT!!! WHY CANT YOU JUST DIE?!" Y/N cries as she creates a big ball of energy above her head. "YOU LIKE IT! IT ONLY CONTAINS GODZILLA'S FIRE IN IT!"

Y/N then blasts the energy at AFO and breaks his mask. Y/N restraints him obsidian and the cops take him away and she was questioned by All Might.

"Young L/N! I suppose you should explain on how you were able to defeat All For One single handedly on you own." he said with his iconic smile. Y/N just stood there, silently.

She then snaps her fingers causing All Might to feel pain in his side. "I brought back your stomach and got rid of that nasty scar. You might need to take a few pain killers but otherwise, your former injuries are healed. I do expect any thanks. I'm just a science project." she said right before a bright light shines on her.

"#938! Stay where you are and don't move! You are surrounded by armed forces!"

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