Chapter 16: Speed in Water

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Izuku's POV
Y/N threw me in first place? I'm confused right now, she made a strong head start, and then gives it to me. Why? I don't what she's up to, but I plan to find out!

Bakugou's POV
That bitch gave first place to that Deku! Why did she even let that damn nerd win anyway?! She could've had beaten him with that stupid quirk of hers and yet she still lets him win!!

I keep thinking about why Y/N would let that damn nerd win when she walks over to me "What do want extra?!" "You really gotta control your temper or someone might lose more than a limb." "What do you want extra?" "If you call me extra, can I call you Bomb boy." "Whatever." "Yay! Any nice job making fourth." "WHAT DID SAY?!" she starts running "You'll never take me alive!"

I start running away from Bomb boy as he chases me yelling something when Midnight spins the wheel of humiliation.

It then decides to land on Ocean field.  Just great! I guess this will help me with teamwork since I scare everyone away, it will be harder for anyone to partner up with me, but I'll never stop because it's funny.

I guess I'm on my own then. But hey, less people to slow me down.

"All right! The Ocean Field is where you and your teammates are supposed to work together in the water to get your opponents points. And don't worry about breathing underwater, we came up with special masks that'll help you breathe underwater."

We were passed the masks to put on but I throw it away "Y/N, why are you throwing away the mask?" I turn around to see Izuku "I don't need it." "But don't you need to breathe?" "I do, but these masks won't stand the speed I'll be in." after I spoke a black substance forms around my mouth to form a black mask. I turn around to face Izuku and the confusion on his face "Don't worry about me. You should be worried about the people that will target you." more of the black substance wraps itself around me, making my whole body look like Venom's; except the the only thing that's a different color is my left arm.  It was white. I don't know why my quirk acts this way but it's helpful yet annoying; I don't need everyone to my left arm is robotic just yet.

We get into the water when we heard the battle had started. My legs turned into a tail and I began to swim around really fast, I might be an adrenaline junky.

I see the first targets and swim over to them to grab their points but then I get rammed by Bomb Boys team. I swim as fast as I can away from them and towards another group to at a great advantage, I grab their points and swim away.

I start swimming to other groups, grabbing their points, when I see Dark Shadow coming at me with Izuku's group not far behind. I swim up then arch my back to make 90 degree East turn; hopefully that will throw them off. Then I see Dark Shadow come from behind. Guess I didn't throw them off. Wait! Why not do that shark technique? Like in the Meg world! (I love the movie and I think that it's the only Megalodon movie where it looks real) I start to swim straight down into the darkness of the water and looking back up to see if anyone had followed me. I then swim back up, breaking teams apart, taking their points, and managing to still keep my points at the same time.

I then hear that time ran out and I got first place! Todoroki second, Bomb boy third, and Izuku 6th place? I wonder what happened.

Time skip

We all dry up for the final round when I hear Todoroki tell something to Izuku about his past. Not a good idea if you ask me, Izuku would use that information to his advantage. I see Bomb boy, aka Katsuki, listening on the conversation. He sees me and I put my finger over my lips, signaling him to keep quiet and not blow my cover. I peak out from around the corner and see that Todoroki and Izuku left. I was just about to leave when Bomb boy grabs my arm "How long have you kept this secret?" what is he talking about? "What are you even saying?" "You know what I'm talking about!" "Actually no, no I don't."

"How long have you had that glove on?" "That's not your concern." "Really?" he then pulls my glove off. "Give it back!" I hide my left arm and try to get my glove back with the other. "Show me your arm." "No! Now give it back!" "Show me and I might!" "No!"

Bakugou's POV
This bitch won't show me her arm! I knew I saw something shiny poking out her glove, not to mention she wears it all the time.

"Let me see!" "You're gonna have to fight me if you wanna see!" if that's how she's gonna play, fine! I grab her arm and lift it.

What the hell is this?! A robotic arm?!

"Aren't you going to turn me in?" "What do you mean, who did this to you?"

"You know the government facility incident a few months back before the entrance exams?" "Yeah what about, besides a villain managed to take down the most guarded government facility in Japan." "Yeah that one." "What does that place have to do with an extra." "I was raised there." she shows the same symbol on her arm as same as symbol on the building. "How did you make it out alive then? Everyone was supposed be dead!" "You wouldn't understand." "How do I know you're lying?!" "CAUSE I'M THE ONE WHO DESTROYED THE BUILDING OKAY!!!" I look at her with shock "I was raised there to be a puppet. I was tortured every day of my life. I counted at least 165 times the torture me for "test". The janitors were the ones that helped me escape, they told me to run and never look about, they told me to kill them." she started sobbing "Why?!" "One of them told me "Death is better than bond", they gave me the keys to the facility and told me to run. I killed everyone in that building. Not just the people who helped me but the people who were supposed to create the ultimate human." "Then how does that explain your arm?!" "THEY TOOK IT! I was tested to see if music effects my quirk but I ended killing 35 people in the process!" "And music is what made you snap during the USJ incident?" "No." "Then how in hell did you manage to murder 35 people?!" "Music only increases my quirk. At least certain types of music. What happened at USJ was me snapping." "And how the hell did that happen?!" "Whenever I see any injuries or blood my body acts on its own while my mind is blank." "So does Uraraka know?" "Yes. In fact we made a plan to let everyone know that I exist and could wipe out half of the population with snap of my fingers." "You don't have the quirk for that." I said with a smirk  "If only I wasn't given every quirk known to mankind." "W-what?!" "My actual quirk is goddess, I'm basically a god is what my quirk is." my mouth hangs wide open, how does this bitch even have that much power??!!!! "I could spare you if you help me or I can just end your life right here and now if you tell anyone." she says as she stares at me deep into my soul. This bitch isn't kidding!

"Alright, tch, its not like you'll actually do it." "You're forgetting that I killed 35 people, including the 2 at USJ, and at the facility which contained 32,000 people. So that would make that 32,037 people I murdered in cold blood! Would you like to be next?!" "N-no ma'am." "Good. After your match, meet me with Uraraka in one of the waiting rooms privately. And if you tell anyone; I will find out. And believe me, there's no where in the world where you can't hide from me. Got it?!" I nod "Perfect. I'll let Uraraka and the others know that we have another friend added to the party." she said as she walks away into the shadows.


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