Chapter 13: Snapping

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I look to see the creatures fist in front of my face, I start to shake a little bit I don't know why; Nomu started playing with my hair and touching my face with a soft touch. I didn't like this feeling I backed away but the thing grabs me by the waist and and runs off with me!

My tendrils come out and stab him; that when he lets go of me. I start falling then I get hit by the ground and start bouncing off it and then hitting it again like a skipping stone in water. I then start rolling on the ground, I try to get up but I can't I look at my left arm to see it cracked! I look at it more then my mind goes blank again!

3rd person POV
Everyone looks at Y/N. Her eyes gone pitch black again. She got up without a single sign of pain in her face.

She turns to the creature and udders one word that no one would ever forget.

"Crucio." (If that is how you spell it)

The Nomu screeches in agony. She says it again and it screams louder than before; her h/c becomes a darker than Tomura's clothes. It becomes longer and longer till it reaches the floor. Then she says a forbidden word that brought pain to the ones who the ones who'd seen it.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The creature drops dead. The whole place becomes dead quiet. No one made a move. That is until a gunshot broke the silence. Breaking Y/N out of her trance, she then falls down unconscious. Her tendrils seemed to have a mind of its own and fixed the crack before any heroes saw it.

Kirishima runs towards Y/N to see if she was okay. He checks the pulse and it's still beating. He picks her up in bridal style and carries her towards the others.

A/N: I forgot to tell you about snap. It's apart of your quirk where if you see your injuries or blood, you won't be able to have control over your body or mind. Imagine you get so drunk 🥴 your mind blanks out but body gets all eye of the tiger 🐅 and keeps going. I got inspiration from the Tangled tv show so please, if you want me to keep making these chapters which I love but I have a hard time getting to since the cv (corona virus 🦠) its got my family worried and I have to be there for them. Also the cv isn't all that bad it's just a bad flu 😷 for old people or people with bad immune systems. All the younger people are safe. I also hope that none of your families have it either cause that's too much to be put on a family.

And that if any of you don't know who this is you can search it up but Mr Rogers and his wife have the cv. He was a great person especially for the people who grew up watching them. He was on Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, I also grew up watching him he was the best he was kind and it's deviating to hear the news. I hope that all of you guys are okay and here we are, hoping to have cool tech but really we're teach each other to wash 🧼 our hands. I just put that in there for comic relief. Have fun reading this book and stay safe.

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