Like I'm Gonna Lose You (Jack Thompson)

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Request: Hiii, I loved your Jack Thompson fic jajaja and I was wondering if I could request an angsty one with a happy ending?

Summary: The reader is one of the best science agents the SSR has ever seen. She started dating Jack Thompson a few months ago, when he finally got past his "men are superior" mindset. Now, a new issue arises for the couple when the reader gets a shot at a mission in the field.


"Alright, little Stark device. What exactly do you do?"

I muttered to myself as I moved the tweezers into position, squinting at the object on my work table to see if there was any change. The SSR still had a few things of Stark's, even a year after he was cleared, and it was my job to figure out what the hell they were.


I jumped as the lab door banged open, whirling around to see my boss, Mr. Samberly, coming over to my work station.

"Sorry, Y/N, hope I didn't startle you."

"It's fine, Mr. Samberly. I'm just a little jumpy, working with all this Stark tech. Ready to hit the dirt at a moment's notice."

"Yeah, huh, that's probably a good call. Anyway, Agent Carter and the Chiefs want to see you in the conference room. There's some situation they need one of us scientists on, and I said you were the best person for the job."

"Really? Wow, thanks Mr. Samberly. I appreciate it."

"Hey, I just told them the truth. Now get going, you need to be on time and I have a date with a pretty lady downstairs."

I laughed and walked with Samberly out of the room.

"Tell Rose hi!" I called, waving to him as we parted ways. I walked the rest of the way to the conference room on my own, knocking to announce myself before swinging the door open and walking in. I was greeted with three familiar faces, all showing very different emotions.

My best friend, Peggy Carter, was staring at me with a small smile on her face. My second-best friend, Daniel Sousa, had a calm, serious expression on his face. My boyfriend, Jack Thompson, looked ready to pop that vein in his forehead that showed up whenever he was extremely stressed and upset.

"Hey guys," I said, cautiously approaching the table and leaning against one of the chairs. "What's going on?"

"We have a mission that calls for a science agent, and Samberly says you're the best person for the job," said Sousa, speaking first.

"What, like a field mission?" I asked, trying not to get my hopes up. I'd wanted to go on a field mission for years, but I didn't think it would ever really happen.

"Exactly like a field mission," Peggy piped up, absolutely beaming. "Daniel and I are taking a small team into Carver Industries to retrieve a chemical formula that they shouldn't have. We need you to make sure we get what we're looking for, and that it doesn't blow us up when we find it."

Peggy had always been one of my biggest supporters at the SSR; it was almost as hard for me to be a female scientist as it was for her to be a female field agent. Now, not only were we widely respected at our jobs, but we had the opportunity to go on a mission together. I beamed back at her.

"If you're in, we need to get moving as soon as possible," Sousa continued. "So, whadda you say?"

I hesitated for half a second. Jack still hadn't said anything, which made me think he was less than happy with this whole idea. If he had any reasonable issue though, he should have already said it.

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