5 Times Peggy & Daniel Almost Kissed (& the 1 Time They Finally Did) (PeggySous)

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Written for day two of Peggysous week 2021!!!

Day Two Prompt: 5 Times (and an optional +1)

Specific Prompt: As the title says!

Summary: Peggy and Daniel have been dancing around feelings for each other for a long time. When they're finally ready to admit it and make a move, however, it seems like the universe is conspiring to get in their way.

A/N: This doesn't super match up with the canon timeline of the show, so just go with it ;)


"Alright, just keep in mind your cover is a married couple," said Jack, giving Peggy and Daniel their last few instructions as the two put the finishing touches on their disguises. "That means you have to act like it."

"No kidding," muttered Daniel. He adjusted his tie, then turned to Peggy with his arms held out. "How do I look."

"Mmm... You look quite good, actually. I'd believably marry you."

Jack scoffed, but Daniel just smiled.

"Thanks, honey." Peggy winked at him, then did a quick turn without acknowledging Jack.

"And how about me?"

"Amazing as always," said Daniel.

"Of for the love of God, either get together or stop flirting in the middle of my office!" Jack interrupted. Peggy and Daniel both turned bright red and jabbered a bunch of excuses, but Jack just rolled his eyes. "Enough! Get out of here or you're gonna be late."

Peggy and Daniel didn't waste a second before taking the opportunity to get out of there.

Just under half an hour later, the pair arrived at the swanky club the SSR had tracked their targets to. Peggy and Daniel were going to mix and mingle until they found their target selling a piece of stolen technology, then they'd jump in and make the arrest.

Easy in theory - challenging in practice.

After circling the room for a while, Peggy and Daniel met back up on the dancefloor to compare notes. Since the dancefloor was in the middle, they could keep an eye on everything going on from there.

"See anything suspicious?" asked Peggy, whispering in Daniel's ear as they spun across the floor together.

"Nothing like what we're looking for. Our guy's probably waiting to show up so he doesn't risk being made any earlier than he has to."

"That's the conclusion I came to as well..."

Peggy trailed off, her eyes still scanning the floor as she and Daniel danced in silence. The music changed to a slow song, and Peggy and Daniel quickly shifted to swaying gently back and forth. Daniel glanced at Peggy, and she quickly noticed his gaze, turning her head to meet it. They stared at each other for a few bars of the music, getting lost in each other's eyes as they slowly gravitated towards one another.

Slowly, slowly, they leaned in, glancing at each others' lips as the little remaining distance between them disappeared. Finally, just before Daniel's lips met Peggy's, someone knocked into them as they sprinted across the dance floor.

"Carter! Sousa! That's our guy! Don't just stand there, get him!" Thompson yelled, not breaking stride as he approached them, tailing the guy who'd interrupted their moment. Daniel and Peggy turned to see the guy that ran into them now halfway across the dancefloor. They didn't even spare a glance at each other once before taking off running after him.


"What do you think Jack would do if we got some superglue and glued his desk drawers shut?" mused Peggy as she spun around in her office chair. It had been a few weeks since the incident at the club, and she and Daniel were on the night shift together. Nothing interesting had happened all night, so they were also incredibly bored together.

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