Head Cold (Jack Thompson)

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Prompt: "Go away."

Written for Agent Carter Bingo on Tumblr! Go check it out!

Summary: Jack Thompson's a notorious workaholic who doesn't stop for anything, even a cold that's almost completely knocked him out. Thankfully, Y/N's around to make sure he takes care of himself, and she's not about to let his stubborn nature win.


I'd had a crush on Jack Thompson since the day I'd started working at the SSR. He could be a total ass sometimes, but I remained convinced that a heart of gold lay underneath the posturing. Every day, I watched as he walked past my desk to his office as Chief.

Which was why I noticed that today he looked like shit.

Despite my staring, Jack had never really noticed me, at least not more than he noticed Peggy and Daniel. And he certainly didn't notice me today as he trudged to his office with his head down, bags under his eyes topping off the impression that he'd suddenly been replaced by a zombie.

He walked past me, then Daniel and Peggy, and slammed the door to his office behind him. I turned around to see if my two friends had also noticed his condition, but they hadn't looked up from their work.

I faced forward again and stared at the pile of papers on my own desk, debating my options. I hoped Jack wouldn't push himself past his limits and come to work when he should've stayed home, but part of me knew he'd push until he dropped. And he'd looked like literal garbage when he walked past my desk a minute ago.

I tapped my foot and pulled one of my files closer, keeping part of my attention on the door to Jack's office. I'd give it a little while, and if I didn't see him, I'd go check on him myself.

As it worked out, I didn't have to go to Jack. He ended up coming to me.

"Agents Carter, Sousa, and Y/L/N," he called into the bullpen, swaying in his doorway as his hoarse voice struggled for volume. "My office. Now."

This time I saw Peggy and Daniel exchanging concerned looks. They'd finally noticed what I'd seen when the Chief came in: Jack Thompson looked like death warmed over.

"What's up, Jack?" asked Sousa, stepping into the room as I carefully shut the door behind us. "You don't look too good."

Jack just waved him off without looking up from his desk. He slouched in his chair, failing to paint even half the imposing portrait he usually did.

"I'm fine." The congestion lacing every word said otherwise. "I've got a case for you three to get working on."

Peggy and Daniel shared a skeptical glance, but didn't say anything. I squinted my eyes and crossed my arms, staring Jack down.

"We've got intel about Leviathan potentially rearing its ugly head again. I need the three of you on it. Case files are here."

He pointed to several stacks of papers on his desk, but didn't stand. He clearly didn't have the energy for something like that.

Peggy and Daniel shared another look, then moved forward to grab the files. They both stared Jack down, and he stared right back, looking completely exhausted. Still, the duo did nothing. Daniel scooped up my case file for me, handing it to me as we all headed for the door.

"C'mon, Y/N," he said. "Let's get started."

I didn't take my eyes off Jack, but he just stared blankly at the desk in front of him. Like he was contemplating how bad it might hurt if he simply passed out and bounced his head off it in the process.

Peggy gently grabbed my arm and led me from the office with her and Daniel. We stopped just outside the door, Daniel closing it behind us this time. The three of us made a tight circle next to Peggy's desk, and I raised my eyebrows in question at my two friends.

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